Chapter 12

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"Whoa, El... You look amazing." Moon gazed at her older sister.

Elara was clad, head to toe in a gorgeous new dress, made especially for the ball. It wrapped around her so elegantly; form fitting at the top and halfway down her legs it flared out like the tail of a mermaid. Plus it was this gorgeous Indigo color.

"I do.." Elara herself was in awe. The royal tailor had out-done himself. 

"I bet your new boyfriend will be drooling over you!"

"Moonie," Elara turned from the mirror rolling her eyes and frowning at the smaller princess, "do I have to say it again?"

For a moment a sly smile pulled at Moon's lips. "Of course not. I'm glad I'm finally getting to meet him though." She fiddled her fingers excitedly and skipped to the side to snatch the hairbrush from the dresser. 

"Yeah.." Elara's heart skipped a beat. What would Moonie say once she found out her big sister's crush was a monster? Elara turned to her little sister, who was sitting in their fancy chair at the mirror, fiddling with her already perfect hair. "You can't tell anyone, Moon." Tears threatened to fall, guilt sending her body into a shiver. The room fell silent, Moon turning to stare at Elara in her seriousness. 

"I... won't. I promise, El." 

"Ok.. Let's do this then."

The royal staff tore through the palace hallways, still preparing everything moments before the start of the ball. Elara and Moon weaved their way through the servants and personal tailors, reaching the doors to the grand staircase just as soon as their mother did. Comet - Queen Butterfly - was dressed in her usual royal-party garb. A long blue dress with a giant skirt. The crown on top of her head seemed misplaced, considering how large it was. But she was elegant, nonetheless.

"Glad to see you girls are ready." Comet smiled, more towards Moon than Elara, "You two look beautiful."

"Thank you!" Moon burst out, grinning uncontrollably.

Before Elara could speak, a servant came rushing to Queen Butterfly's side. 

"My queen," She bowed, "Are you ready to start? All of the guests have arrived." 

Elara's heart fluttered, and she instinctively bit her lip. One guest, of course, stood out in her mind. The one guest that sent a fire through every inch of her tiny body. Toffee. Entwining her hands together, she stepped forward, past Moon, towards her mother.

"We're ready if you are, mother."

With a nod, Queen Butterfly sent the servant away. The doors opened and the trumpets flared, signaling their ascent. Moon took Elara's hand and pulled her down the steps, following their mother's steps. 

Elara hadn't seen the ballroom so full since Moonie's last birthday. Every guest gazed up at the Butterfly ladies, taking in their presence with wide eyes. Some pointed and 'ooh'ed and 'Ahh'ed, and some even turned to their neighbor and started whispering, malice shining within their eyes. The young princess couldn't be bothered by those nobles. Her eyes scanned the ballroom looking for Toffee. He was nowhere to be seen, however, and her heart sank.

By the time they reached the bottom of the stairs, Elara had lost hope. She followed close behind Moon and Queen Butterfly, slumped over like someone had eaten her last donut, until they stopped at the thrones.

"The ball may now commence!" Queen Butterfly turned to the crowd and raised her hands above her head. The people cheered in response and the music started, signaling the first dance of the night.

"C'mon Elara! Let's go dance!" Moonie grabbed Elara's arm and dragged her onto the dance floor. 

"W-wait!" Suits and dresses passed Elara's vision and eventually she was surrounded by shuffling nobles. By this time she had completely lost Moon in the rabble. She stumbled around, searching for her younger sister, to no avail. She was lost in the sea of strange, unfamiliar people. "D-damn it..."

"Hello, Princess. Are you lost?"

That voice. That silky smooth voice with the hint of a smirk. Elara turned on her heel, her cheeks burning with blush and she saw him. His mouth was twisted into a grin, a cute, yet mocking one, and held his hand out to her. "Lost in your own home," He shook his head, "How silly."

"O-oh. Hi!" Elara chokes out before taking hold of his hand.

"It's nice to see you again; you look lovely." Toffee looked Elara up and down, drinking in the ensemble before him. When his hand closes around hers, he spins her around. "Absolutely stunning."

Elara giggled to herself, "Thank you, General; and it's very nice to see you again as well!" 

Toffee looked incredible himself. His suit was obviously Mewnian-made, but it fit him well. It was black and red, to match his typical armor, with the additive of frills and lapels. "You look really handsome.." Elara trailed off, barely able to speak through her heart fluttering out of her chest.

The general smiled and pulled Elara in close, "Thank you, Elara." Sparks were flying wildly between the two of them and, unfortunately, everyone else in the room were beginning to take notice.

"Uh oh.." Elara bit her lip, finally noticing the commotion around them. Once she had seen Toffee everyone else had disappeared in her mind. Which was a mistake.

"ELAAARAAAAA!!!" Everything came to a screeching halt as Moon's voice carried across the ballroom. She came running then and Elara couldn't help but tighten her grip on Toffee's hand. Her stomach fluttered like she had swallowed a million butterflies. How would Moonie react? She took a deep breath and pulled Toffee along to meet Moon halfway. When they reached each other, Moonie's eyes widened and her mouth fell open.

"Toffee, this is my little sister; Moon." She swallowed past the huge lump in her throat, "Moon, this is Toffee. The... Monster General."

For a moment they sat in silence, Moon looking from Toffee to Elara and back again. "So this is..?"

"-My friend. He's my friend."

Elara felt Toffee's hand weaken in hers, almost in sadness. Then he let go and stepped forward to bow to Moon. "It's lovely to meet you, Princess Butterfly." His elegance was off the charts, and Elara couldn't help but stare as Toffee bent down. Just as his armor accented his nice bottom, his suit did the same.

Moon gave a small curtsy in response, "Nice to meet you, General. Elara talks about you... A LOT."


((Sorry this chapter wasn't exactly what we were all hoping for, I had to cut this chapter in half. It was too long. But I'm back and hopefully here to stay. Enjoy!!))

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