Chapter 17

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~"I will not allow my daughter to FRATERNIZE with a damn MONSTER any longer!"~

Elara's eyes swelled with tears, a raucous shudder overtaking her body. Every emotion came to surface all at once. The throne room swirled around her. Her heart nearly stopped in fear. 

"I don't.." She mumbled under her breath, her eyes wide. Moon could see the disbelief and fear within her sister's dark brown stare. Everything was crashing down around the young princess, just as she had hoped would never happen.

"You've put us all in danger, Elara. The kingdom would riot if they knew; so I have no choice but to put a stop to all of this." Queen Butterfly stepped down from the throne, pacing back and forth in front of her daughters, "The Magic High Commission has agreed to do away with that loathsome Septarian and keep the rest of the kingdom in the dark.."

"Wh-What..?" Elara's stare snapped up at her mother's words, "What are you going to do to him-?!"

"You WILL be silent, Elara Butterfly!"

"This isn't his fault!" Trembling, Elara stepped forward. It was unwise to cross her mother, but there was no way she would allow anyone to hurt Toffee. No way in hell. "You can't punish him for my actions; I won't let you!"

"And what will you do to stop me, child?"


"You can't. And neither can your Septarian lover."

A gasp escaped Elara's lips and her tears started to pour. There really wasn't anything she could do. "M-mother... This isn't fair! I love him... Please..." The princess sobbed and fell to her knees; Terror spreading through her like a plague. An image of Toffee, broken and bloody, breathing his final words, hit her - breaking her heart. "Do whatever you want with me, I don't care! Just don't hurt Toffee..!" 

Elara's pleas fell on deaf ears. The Queen only shook her head.

"You disgust me."

"Please! Please, I beg of you, mother! Lock me away for the rest of eternity, kill me, exile me! Please... God, Please don't hurt him.."

Moon could not handle the pressure any longer. Seeing her older sister - someone she loved and cared about more than anyone else in the world - sob at her mother's feet tore her heart into pieces. Her own tears threatened to fall in effect. What could she do? Was there something she could do? She stepped forward, swallowing hard against the lump in her throat.

"Mother. There must be another way-"

Queen Comet turned then, casting daggers in her gaze towards the other Butterfly princess. "This has nothing to do with you!"

"I can't let you crush my sister like this!" Moon gritted her teeth, "Can't you see what executing the Monster General would do to her? Don't you care?!"

"I will NOT allow another Eclipsa in my kingdom!"

"Monster or not, you know how it feels to lose someone you love. Unable to grow old with them, unable to hold them; No one should have to experience that - yet you intend on pushing this fate onto your daughter. I thought you were a just ruler, mother. But I see that I was wrong." Moon walked to her sister, kneeled down and took her hand. "You disgust me, mother."

The Queen sighed heavily. "I didn't think you'd disobey me, Moon. I am very disappointed." She looked to the guards standing around the throne room and nodded, then pointed towards Moon. "Take her to her room. Now."

The guards seized Moon away from Elara, tearing her away with little to no effort. Her tiny body squirmed in their arms.

"No! Elara, RUN!!" Before the other guards could grab her, Elara stood and sprinted out of the throne room. She could hear her mother screaming after her, but she wouldn't stop.

Her footsteps echoed through the empty halls of the palace and filled her ears, along with the intense beating of her heart against her chest. She forced herself to go faster, knowing that her energy was beginning to diminish. She screamed and barged through the palace's front doors. The citizens of Mewni stared at her as she ran through the streets, sobbing uncontrollably. But they parted when she came close. Her feet could hardly carry her any longer, her lungs hurting as she forced herself to breathe. But she wouldn't stop until she reached Toffee's temporary house.


Toffee sat alone, drinking Mewnian swamp water and reading a book to pass the time. His mind could hardly focus on the words in front of him, however. His thoughts were stuck on the picnic him and the young Princess had near the coast. How gorgeous she looked in the moonlight, how soft her skin was against his own.

Her scent still lingered in his nose, continuing to intoxicate him. He adored everything about that girl. She brought back feelings he thought he would never be able to feel again.

Those daydreams brought a sweet, genuine smile to his lips.


The familiarity of the scream shredded his imagination and he jumped up. More screams followed, along with a frantic knocking at his door. "Elara?" He strode towards the door and pulled it open with a vengeance. Outside was the princess, but not as he normally knew her. Her hair was a mess, halfway covering her face and her eyes were reddened with tears. But the look on her face is what sent a chill down the general's spine. She looked terrified.

Elara practically fell into the Septarian's arms, a horrible sound leaving her lips once she felt his arms wrap around her.

"My Princess, what's wrong?" He pulled her in, closing the door behind them, "Elara..?"

She wanted to explain, but the lump in her throat refused to let her speak. All she could do was cry.

"Toffee... Toffee.." Was all she could muster through broken words

Elara cried until there were no tears left and Toffee just held her. He had an inkling as to why she was so distraught. He didn't want to admit it though. He had tried so hard to ignore that sinking feeling, ignore the fact that them being together was so taboo. It could be considered treason. One of them would be taking the fall, and he could easily guess who it was by Elara's reaction.

"Elara.. Tell me what happened." Toffee whispered. Elara looked up at him, seeing the sadness in his golden eyes. 

"I.." Her words threatened to slur through the lump in her throat. She didn't have much time though, the guards would be there any second. She had to warn him.

"My mother. She..." Elara's voice broke, "She's putting you... to death."

Toffee felt his heart sink. He wasn't afraid of death, far from it but knowing what it would do to Elara filled him with sorrow. Leaving her was the last thing he desired. It was the first time in a long time he had no idea what to do.

"I begged and pleaded... but it was all in vain. I'm so sorry Toffee, this is all my fault!"

Again, Elara was brought to tears. All the visions of Toffee suffering came back in a wave. She couldn't stop the waterfall that poured from her eyes.

"Shh.. It's alright. This isn't your fault." Toffee pulled the princess into his embrace and comforted her while she sobbed, "I'm here. I'm here." 

They stayed like that until the guards came to tear them apart.

((Oof. That was a rough one to write. This WAS going to be the last chapter, but once I started writing it became longer and longer lol. So now, Next chapter will be the last and I'm POSITIVE of that this time! Anyway, hope you enjoyed and don't forget to vote and comment, it really helps me stay motivated! Stay toasty!!))

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