The Fight

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Kawaii~Chan's POV 

I felt my heart broke when Aphmau~Chan said that. "Zane and I started dating yesterday." Aaron~Kun held tighter on to my waist. "Congratulations." Aaron~Kun slowly released pressure on my waist. I looked at Zane~Kun. His stare hurts. He starred into my eyes as he said. "Thanks, really." He looked straight to Aaron~Kun. "If you didn't fuck up, I wouldn't have this girl."  Aaron~Kun chuckled and held onto me tighter. "Same to you, cause if you didn't let Kawaii~Chan go." He kissed my forehead. "She wouldn't be mine." 

"Let's go Aaron~Kun." I grab onto Aaron~Kun's hand and we walked through the hall together. I felt his confusion just by holding his hand. "Kawaii~Chan?" I turned around to look at his face. "Aaron~Kun, why did you do that?" "Because without you I would have never been able to get over her." "In two days of hanging out?!" He starred at me and stepped back. "I know it sounds crazy, but being with you for two days makes me feel like the world doesn't matter. Almost as if you make the world freeze and everyone just disappear. I like you Kawaii~Chan." 

"Don't call me that please." I walked towards the window, and the bell rang. "I guess it's time to leave." "I heard Aaron~Kun walk away. "Wait!" I turned quickly and he turned almost just as fast. "I don't want you to call me that anymore, cause that's not my name." I walked towards him and held his face in my hand. "Call me Nana." He smiled and grab my waist. "Maybe we can try this out and see if things work out." "Yea, I would like that. Nana." His eyes were more beautiful than Zane~Kun's and his stare made me feel butterflies. "Can I kiss you?" I blushed and nodded to Aaron's request. He leaned in and I closed my eyes. But as he put his lips on mine, I felt something familiar. He pulled away and smiled. And then. "Get a room." Aaron~Kun and I turned our heads quickly. Aaron~Kun laughed as he closed the locker and walked away. 

Zane~Kun, I thought you cared about me, and I thought I cared about you. But we were both wrong. 

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