A Love That Will Live Forever

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Zane's POV

Please be okay. I ran and ran to her house. If she's not, no, I can't think like that. I turned and got to where Aphmau and my house was, I even passed by a few people. "Little brother?" "Not now Garroth!" I ran more. "Aw running away from your sad life Zane?" "Screw you Gene!" I kept running and saw Aaron's house. It's all his fault, I know he gets upset over the smallest things and whatever he got mad at, he took it out on Kawaii~Chan. I should have listened to Aphmau when she told me the first time.


"Zane please. Kawaii~Chan can be in danger if he can't control it." "Aphmau, you're just jealous of the fact that I still care about Kawaii~Chan. But you don't need to make up a whole story about your ex being an ultima." I turned around and heard something. Almost as if something popped up. I turned around to face Aphmau and I felt everything in me, freeze. "Zane, please don't panic." I started walking sideways towards the door and bumping things over on the floor from my desk. "Zane, please don't leave." "You're a- you're a-" "Yes, I'm a werewolf." I stopped walking and saw her tail. "Why does it look like that?" She turned red and turned around. "It only looks like this because it hasn't grown out yet." I laughed and hugged her. "Aph, I love you." "No, you don't." I stood quiet and held her in my arms. "You just admitted that you still care about Kawaii~Chan and then you want to come to me and say I love you?" I felt her tail wrap around me and I felt her breathe in deep. "I need to tell you something else." "I froze cause I had a feeling about what she was going to say. "You cheated didn't you?" She put her hand on mine and held on tight to my hand.

"Yes. I did. And it was with Aaron." "Did he do this to you yesterday?" "No. He did this before we broke up, not against my will though, I asked him to personally." I let go of her and sat down on the edge of my bed. "Aph, I don't want you to think that I don't care about you or that I don't love you, cause I really do." I reached out to the mask on the floor and picked it up. "But right now, I'd rather not be together right now." She put her ears and tail away. "I understand Zane. I really do. But we can't break up yet." "Why not?" "Because if we break up now, the Aaron is going to break up with Kawaii~Chan, and he cares about her too. If he sees how badly he hurts her, he'll get mad and go out of control." I got up and held her hand. "If it comes down to choosing me or her, please choose her."

~Back to present~

"Zane?" I felt my arm get grab and saw Katelyn. "What's wrong with you?" "I don't have time for this right now Katelyn." I tried running away but her grip got tighter on me. "Are they okay?" Does she know? "Who?" "Aphmau." She has to know. "Kawaii~Chan. Are they okay?" "No, she's not." I ran more. "Check Aaron's house!" I turned around and stopped running. "Thank you." I turned back around and ran to his house. "Kawaii~Chan!" I knocked on the door. "Ugh!" I heard things falling over and things breaking. "Kawaii~Chan please open the door." "Zane! Leave! UGH!" "Kawaii~Chan please open the door." I kept knocking on the door and moving the door knob so much that I felt like I was going to break the door knob. "Kawaii~Chan open the door please." I heard more things fall and break. "K awaii~Chan. I'm gonna break down the door stand back." I stepped back and kicked the door. The more I kicked the door the more things broke on the other side.

I need to get in. I kept kicking the door and heard her fall on the floor. "Ugh!" "Where's Garroth when you need him!?" I finally kicked the door hard enough that it busted open and saw her on the floor. "Zane!!!! I told you to leave!!!!" I kneeled down and grabbed on to her. "No. No!" Her shoulder was bleeding and I saw the bite marks. "How many times did he bite you?!" "Zane!" She was squirming around in my arms and I held on even tighter to her. "I'm not leaving you I promise." "It hurts so much!" Her eats looked weird and her tail turned purple. "Zane!!! What's happening?!" She kept screaming in pain and I held her tighter trying to not cry. "We need to take you to the hospital." "No, we can't." I turned and saw Aaron's dad standing at the stair case. "Why haven't you done anything?!" He walked up to me and pulled me away from her. "No, let me go!" "Zane, you need to realize she provoked him multiple times. She caused this!" She reached out to me and cried. "Please, she needs me." "She needs to be left alone. If we take her to the hospital people will wonder and ask questions. If the world finds out what Aaron is, we will put him in danger." "He put Kawaii~Chan and Aphmau in danger."

"I can't just leave her alone." I sobbed even more as she screamed louder. "Zane, listen to me, the more that this keeps going on, the more danger you'll put her in." She slowly stopped yelling and just sobbed. Her ears looked different but her tail looked the same. She hugged herself as she sobbed and the blood in her shoulder seemed to have already dried up. "Zane." I looked at him. "The best thing to do for her is leave her alone for the next few days. Let the pain go away on its own." I started at him as her crying got quieter. "Zane. Please. It's the best thing to do for her." I looked at her and she stopped crying, she was just breathing heavy. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." I started crying and fell to my knees. She turned around and started at me. "It's...not...your...fault." Her voice sounded hurt and seemed painful to keep her strength. "Aaron...didn't mean...to do...this. He just....wanted....love." I looked at her. "Do boy defend him. My son did this with the intentions of harming you. I heard you guys arguing and I know my son already, Aaron knew you would leave him. So he made sure no one else can have you." I grabbed onto her hand. "Kawaii~Chan. I love you." "I love you too Zane~Kun. That's why....I'm...telling you...to go." I looked up at her and shook my head. "If you....don't....now...I'll hurt...you. Please....leave." I cried and kissed her hand and walked out the door. "Thank you sir." I love you forever Kawaii~Chan. No matter what happens.

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