CHAPTER TWO: Three Years Later

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A/N: thanks for reading. Don't worry the story gets better I just needed to get out the basics. Thank you 💚💚💚💚

(Zoe POV)

I opened the small hatch leading to the roof. Cool autumn air greeted me as I climbed through the door. Being alone aloud me to think about anything I wanted to and this was my favorite spot. On top of the sun sphere right in the middle of Worlds Fair Park. Ever since I was little I lived in Knoxville, Tennessee. Even now that nothing works I still live here. The city has been vacant for two years now with only a few people still trying to survive. My family grouped up with a bunch of people looking for help. It was silly but we all decided to make ourselves part of a clan. We settled on an abandon street so each family had a house. We took old fencing and ruins to make a border. No one could get in and it was hard to get out. We called the border "The Wall."

My best friend Rachel and her little brother lived with us . We haven't seen either of there parents since the day all this started. We knew two things for sure: 1. Three fourths of the worlds population was dead. 2. The one fourth of people still alive were gathering in groups trying to attack others. Our clan was quiet large we had around thirty people, but decided to stay neutral in this big unknown war.

The buildings that occupied the city looked as if World War Three had come. Giant chunks of the buildings were gone, roads were completely destroyed, homes burnt down in fires that spread all across Knoxville. My eyes searched the horizon for any sign of human life. Nothing. Giant trees covered the area. A forest had practically grown up in our town. Walking in the streets you had to swiftly walk in between trees and giant plants sometimes seeing the base of a building. If you tried to look up all you would se is the leaves that covered the sky. That's why I liked it up here I could see the sky. It was early morning right now. The sun had started to show over towards the mountain tops.

I sat down on one of the golden tiles letting the wind blow my dark hair away from my face. I sat like that for what seemed to be an hour just watching the sun rise high into the beautiful blue sky. I loved daylight it gave me protection from the darkness. I sighed; it was getting close to time for me to get back home. I turned around starting to get down from the hatch door. I followed the long steps down into the viewing room. This was where people would look out the windows to see the city. That was a long time ago though.

I was about to climb down the elevator shaft when I heard something move. I looked around the room observing each object. I heard the noise again. I quickly pulled out my pocket knife aiming it in the direction of the noise. I slowly walked towards a black desk. I looked over and saw a opossum curled into a ball with three little babies sleeping at her side. They looked cute. I was about to pet tone of the babies when an arm wrapped around my stomach from behind. A hand clamped down on my mouth.

"Who are you?" A calm voice said from behind me who ever had me in there grasp was male. I bit his hand as hard as I could. The person screamed pulling his hand back away from me. I used my elbow and hit him in the stomach.

"Can't people just say hello now a days?! Who are you?" I was screaming at the boy. Wiping my mouth. He had brown short hair with blue eyes. If he hadn't just tried to attack me I might have thought he looked cute. I turned around to see the momma opossum hissing at us. "Look you made her mad!" I gestured over to the small creature.

"I'm Joseph. Now who are you and what are you doing up here?" He said leaning against the wall. For someone who just attacked me he seemed casual.

"Zoe. I was just looking at the view." I said. My eyes never left him. I didn't know if this Joseph was a friend or foe yet.

"It's beautiful from up here isn't it?" He took a step towards me so I pointed the pocket knife at him. "Calm down i'm not going to hurt you. look familiar? How old are you?"

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