Part 1

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You didn't know how you wanted to spend your day off. You've been working as an officer at the NYPD for two years and this is your first day off in a long time. You never took days off because there is always something to do but your boss insisted.
You walked through downtown New York just looking and taking time to look at all the shops. You're so busy chasing criminals and catching leads that you never had time just to look at the cute shops and Cafés. You had case files with you so you decided to get a coffee and look over the folder of cases.
After you finished your coffee and looked over cases you decided to go home and relax. You pick up the folder and someone lightly bumps you and you lose your grip on the folder of papers. Papers go flying everywhere.
"No!" You yell trying to catch them so you wouldn't lose them.
"I'm so sorry!" Someone said as they helped you pick up the papers.
"It's alright. As long as I don't lose any of them," you say and you look up to see a young man helping you.
"No really, I should've been paying attention," he said. He looked up and you made eye contact. He had brown eyes and short curly hair. You just smile.
After you have all the papers picked up you start to head for the door but you quickly turn around.
"Thank you for helping me," you say.
"It's the least I could do since I caused the mess," he said and he opened the door for you.
"I'm Tom by the way," he said.
"I'm y/n," you say. He continued to walk with you.
"So you're an officer?" Tom asked.
"Yes, I am one of the head officers at the NYPD," you answer.
"Wow that's really cool so you must be busy all the time," he says. You chuckle.
"Busy is one word to describe it. What about you? What do you do?" I ask.
"Oh,well, I'm an actor," he replied.
"Really? That's cool. Do you know a lot of accents?" You ask. He laughed.
"Quite a few," he said in a New York accent. You laugh.
"I'm guessing you're not a native of New York," you say.
"I am not, I am a native of southwest London, Darling," he said in a British accent. You blush and giggle. He smiled at you.

"I would love to go to London," you say, "Do you like New York?" You ask.
"London is my favorite place to live, but if I could pick anywhere else, I would pick New York," Tom said.
"I love it here in New York," you say chattering. A sudden gust of wind blew in your face. You grabbed your coat tightly. Stupid November weather.
"Are you cold?" Tom asked.
"Yes, but my apartment isn't too far away so I'll be okay," you say.
"Here take my coat. Please I insist," Tom said taking off his jacket and putting it over you. It was warm and cozy. You couldn't help but smile.
"Well, I better go, my friend is probably waiting for me," Tom said. He smiled and started to walk away.
"How am I going to get your jacket back to you?" You yell to him across the street.
"I'm sure I'll see you again. I'll be in New York for awhile," Tom yelled back. You stood watching him walk to his friend waiting for him back at the coffee shop.

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