Part 2

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You were back to work today. There was a special announcement from your boss.

"Alright, listen up everyone. Today we have a special actor here for a movie premiere and I want everyone to be on top notch. I want nothing bad to happen. I want nobody scared, injured or hurt at this event for the next few days. Mr. Holland is the actor we are watching over. I will assign a few of you to be with him at all times. Is this understood?" Your boss sternly asked.
"Yes sir," everyone replied. He pulled out a sheet of paper.

"We will be meeting at Times Square in 30 minutes to help set up security. Alright, y/n, Jason, and Mack, you three are my head officers and I trust you're able to keep Mr.Holland safe?" Our boss asked.

"Yes sir," Jason, Mack and you replied together. You grabbed your police car keys off your desk. The three of you followed Mr. Jack.(your boss)

"Perfect timing. Here he is," mr. Jack said. Mr. Holland stepped through the door. When you saw his face you were shocked. You dropped your keys. When Tom saw you he smiled.

Little note for my readers. Some of these parts will be short and some will be long. Thank you for reading! I'll post the next part soon. Hope you enjoy

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