Part 6

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"You've got to be kidding me," you say. Ryan stood outside the door.

"I know you don't want to talk to me but please just hear me out, please y/n," Ryan begged.

"Fine, I'll give you a few minutes," you sigh. You continue walking down the street as Ryan followed. It started to lightly sprinkle. It was late and dark out and you didn't have much patience for Ryan.

"I was extremely stupid. She was an old friend from high school and she had contacted me asking to get coffee and things escalated from there. I'm so sorry you had to see that. It was a dumb move and I promise it won't ever happen again," Ryan apologized. You could see the guilt on his face.

"Why did it happen Ryan? Was I not good enough for you? Did you need something new? How could I trust that you'd never do that again to me?" I ask fiercely. I was sick of the crap.

"Because I've realized that I lost a gem. You are absolutely amazing and gorgeous and I was foolish to hurt you. I want to earn your trust back. I want to earn you back. Trust me, no one  deserves such a special person like you and I'm am truly sorry for what I did. I made a mistake and I don't want to lose you again because... because I love you y/n," Ryan said. Ryan was always so good with words. You could tell that he was sorry.

"I loved you too Ryan but you tore my heart to a million pieces. I thought we were a perfect couple that loved each other so much. You ruined that because feelings came up for an old friend and I caught you cheating on me, in our apartment," I stated. My eyes were starting to water.

I really did love Ryan, but he made a mistake and I tried to forgive him but I just couldn't because it hurt me, it hurt to see them in bed together. It hurt for him to lie to me. It hurt to look at someone I loved so much. It hurt to look at the one who broke my heart.

"I know y/n. I did something unforgivable and I know I don't deserve someone like you. I just really want to be with you because I love you. I would choose you over and over again. Just please give me another chance, please," Ryan begged. You started to cry.

"I'm sorry," Ryan said as he put his arm on your shoulder. You pulled away.

"Please stop Ryan. I- I don't know what to do anymore. Just please don't touch me right know," you cried.

"Okay, can we please get coffee sometime? Just one chance that's all I'm asking," Ryan said. He handed you a slip of paper. You didn't look at him. You kept your head down.

"I got a new number. Just let me know a day that would work. I want to make things right between us. Even if things might not work out. I'm going to still fight for you," Ryan spoke. He then walked away leaving you be. You just stood there, in the rain, not knowing what to do. Why now? Of all the times this could've happened, why now?

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