Chapter 13

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Mom woke us all up early- 5:00 AM- saying she had "a day of fun" planned out.

Last time she said that, we went frog hunting and all almost drowned. Also, frog legs are less appetizing when you're sharing a picnic table with live frogs. Just a little note.

Apparently we're going to the zoo.

We all packed up in the car.

Mom instantly turned some music on because car rides without music give people the opportunity to talk to you and we really cannot take that risk.

Queen's "We are the Champions" started blaring and Jackson and Blake tried to choreograph it the best they could while sitting down. It mainly consisted of them hitting their heads on eachothers knees. Lit.

Cance pulled out the snacks.

Dad looked back disapprovingly, "Cance, son, we don't need snacks yet."

Cance glared at him, "Father, I am a growing boy."

Dad rolled his eyes and Mom instantly freaked out about him "keeping his eyes on the road".

Cance grabbed the aux cord and switched the music to One Direction.

Sam gave him a questioning glance.

"What?" Cance asked innocently.

Dad looked back again. "Cance you're the only one who's caused drama so far this trip, can. You. Not?"

Blake and Jackson smiled at eachother and instantly started fighting over Jackson's sock. While it was on his foot.

"Can you not throw your sock out the window?" Dad grumbled.

We all looked from Jack's now bare foot to the road behind us with a bright yellow sock lying in the road.

Blake smirked while Jackson backhanded him.

Cance handed them each a pretzel stick and promised them more if they behaved

"That shouldn't have worked, but it did," Cance said. "I'm a growing boy," he added, looking at Dad.

Dad snorted.

When we pulled into the zoo, Michael suggested we go on the Sky Safari.

"The Sky what now?" Asked Sam.

"If it's in the sky, I'm not doing it unless you announce me as "ITS A BIRD, ITS A PLANE, ITS SUPER CANCE!"

Michael said, "Yeah, no, not doing that. Get over yourself."

Jackson smirked at me, "Yo, Jor, you wanna break the rules and ride with three people instead of two?"

"Um", I started. "You, Blake, and I?"

"Oh yeah baby," he confirmed.

"Hahahah, no." I said bluntly

The twins gave me an identical smirk, and before I knew it, we were riding with three people on the sky safari.

Blake covered his eyes, "Oh my goodness, I can't look. Why is this thing so shaky?!"

"Because it's old," I muttered. "Also because we have an extra 100 pounds."

Jackson, in an attempt to get Blake to look down, shrieked something about a cute girl.

Blake looked down and in the meantime, somehow unlocked our safety bar.

Both Blake and Jackson were in full fledged panic mode at this point.

Gotta admit, I thought I was gonna die too.

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