Chapter 1

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(A/N) These are the characters!

20 year old Sam

19 year old Michael

17 year old Cance

15 year old Blake

15 year old Jackson

13 year old Jordyn

I will add the ages and names in every chapter so y'all won't get confused. :) Enough with the note! Read the book!

(Jordyn's pov)

I wake up to some one pounding on my door.

"Wake up, Jor, it's time to get up for school!"

I recognize the voice as Cance.

Groaning I roll over.

"Cance, we're home schooled!"

I hear snickering in the other side of the door and realize it's April 1st. Great. I can expect a lot more pranks.

Grumbling I force my self out of bed.

Something smells good. But then, knowing my brothers and their pranks, I bet ya anything it won't taste as good as it smells.

I make a mental note to grab a bowl of cereal. No way am I eating something that they cooked.

Time to get dressed.

I decide on a green Nike t shirt and blue jeans.

Brother approved

I jog down the stairs and slide into the kitchen.

I wave hello to my brothers and stand on my tippy toes to get the cornflakes from on top of the fridge.

Michael comes and stands behind me.

I suspiciously glance back at him.

He slides his hands around my waist and lifts me up so I can reach it.

Grinning at him I grab the cereal.

All at once when he puts me down I can feel something slimy beneath my feet.

I scream and run away.

I sit in the corner and bury my head in my hands.

I feel some arms around me.

"I'm sorry, Jor," Michael says.

I snuggle into his embrace.... only to feel something in my hair.


I burst into tears.

I spent such a long time trying to grow it out.

As I sit there crying, I can tell my brothers are starting to feel bad. Let them feel bad.

This time it's Sam who tries to comfort me.

"No" I scoot away.

I pick myself up from the floor and go back to my room to get the gum out.

My mom appears in the doorway behind me.

"You'll probably have to cut it."

This sends me into a new round of tears.

"I'm sorry Jor. Do you want me to talk to them?"

"Them" of course being my brothers.

"No," I sniffed.

After school, we had to go down to the hair dresser to get my hair cut.

I was hoping my mom could take me but she had to go grocery shopping.

So I was stuck with Michael.

The guy who did this to me.

I know I'm old enough to sit in the front seat, but I didn't want to be near my jerk of a brother.

Michael glanced back at me in the rearview mirror.

"Jordyn? Why aren't you sitting up with me?"

I ignored him and turned to look out the window.

Michael sighed and started the car.

I run my fingers through my hair and sigh as they stop at the gum.

I can tell I'm starting to make Michael feel bad.


Normally he is my favorite brother, but after this prank Cance might take his place...

As soon as we pulled in the parking lot of "Jessies hair cuts" I hopped put before Michael even stopped the car.

No way was I walking in with him.

And before you think I'm over reacting, how would you like it if your brother stuck gum im your hair? The hair that you were growing out? And took ages to get even this long?

Yeah. Look at it through MY eyes.

I plop myself down in a chair in the waiting room.

Michael comes in and goes to the front desk.

Within minutes my name is called.

I jog up and sit in the chair that I was told to.

The hair dresser introduced herself as Maya.

Maya fingered my hair.

"Wow! What happened to you?"

To which I simply reply, "My brother."

She laughs. "I understand. I have a brother."

I shake my head. "I'm sorry."

She laughs again. "My brother never pulled a prank like that on me, so I should be the one saying sorry to you! Okay, let's get you fixed up all pretty.

An hour and a half later, I'm sporting a hair do that comes halfway down my back.

When we get back out to the car I'm about to hop into the backseat when Michael grabs me and shoves me in the front.

"Hey!" I protest.

"Talk to me Jor."

"Fine," I sullenly say.

"I'm sorry."

I nod.

Michael sighs at my silence.

"What more can I say?"

I shrug.

He gives up and the rest if the ride is spent in silence.

Hi guys! How was chapter #1? Not too shabby I hope!
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