•••Author's POV•••
Yesterday was a very, very hot day. Since all of them has 10 gallons each, one does not hesitate to waste the water for them to splash in themselves.
"Gawd! It's so hot! It's like 10 times more hotter!" Aavri cried out. "Yeah...Even drinking water doesn't help...I need water in my body..." Grimore groaned. The other two, Blaze and Sapphira, were both lying down in the floor.
"I imagine myself swimming in here...Uwaa..." Sapphira said while flapping her arms. "Where's a swimming pool when you need one?" Blaze complained.
"Minna! Ohayo! Itte! >□<" Nagisa entered suddenly and of course Sapphira threw her ball in his face again. "Ohayo..." The girls answered in a very tiringly way.
-It seems like everyone is having a hot day...- Nagisa thought to himself. -I know! We'll have a water fight! I should tell Mako-chan and the others!- He happily skipped his way out of the room.
10 minutes later....
"Wahhh!! It's so cold!" Grimore said while laughing. "Take this! >:D" Rei threw water at Aavri's face who looked like pissed off on what he did. "You........Aho! Get back here!" They both started running.
"Haru-chan, get ready!" Makoto splashed Haru a load of water. "Ureshii..." Haru's eyes sparkled. "Blaze, take this!" Sapphira threw a water balloon at Blaze and so did Blaze. They started exchanging water balloons. Nagisa took a pail and filled it with cold water then he started splashing his friends.
After le awesome water fight....
"Haaa~ That was so good! It's been years since the last time we did that," Aavri used a towel to dry her hair. "But wouldn't we get sick because of this?" Blaze said. "Maa, maa~ I doubt it. You know what they say, only idiots get fever during summer and it's like it's always summer here!" Grimore said.
"Achoo! >~<" They all looked at the one who sneezed. "Guys............I can see like 2 of you....@/////@...*Collapse*"
"Sapphira!" And they all hurried to the idiot who had a fever in a very hot era.
*Beep, beep beep!* Grimore took the thermometer and read it. "39°, guys. Her temperature rose up." All of them three sat in the room next to Sapphira who was breathing heavily. "I hope she'll be alright..." Aavri said. "Sou. Daijobu, Sapphira-chan! I'll be the one taking care of your magical ball!" *__* Blaze said.
"Now that I think about it, it's my first time to see Sapphira in a fever." °3° Aavri said. "Sou da ne. She's very healthy (A/N: Too healthy XD) and most of the time she's in good condition," Grimore added.
-I remember Sapphira telling me something about her fever. I just don't remember it...Hmmm- Blaze thought.
"So what should we do to make the fever disappear?" Grimore asked. "That's easy! You know, like all the mothers and doctors do!" Aavri said. "Putting towels in our foreheads, feeding us chicken soup?"-Blaze asked.
"Noooo........Guys! We need to search for the great witch to heal Sapphira with her great powers!" ^o^ -Is there even such thing?- Both Grimore and Blaze thought.
"Do you mean a pharmacist?" Grimore asked. "S-Sou! ^__^ (Lost in her chuunibyou mind)"-Aavri. "So we need to search for a medicine store. I heard you can only found one in the other city." Blaze said. "Ja, we'll go there." Aavri said.
Beyond the Aqua Gate {Free! Iwatobi Swim Club fanfiction}
أدب الهواةBlaze, Sapphira, Aavri and Grimore suddenly gets in the portal of Free! But in the arabian era, (Based on the ending of Free! [Splash Free[) This is not just fanservice, there's a storyline to you know!!!