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nick the bitch
remember me, darling?

not your bitch
surprised to see you again..not.

nick the bitch
aww you miss me?

not your bitch
how's lily doing? or did you leave her already?

nick the bitch
actually, we're engaged.

not your bitch
i thought commitment was a big deal for you

nick the bitch
you're just salty because it's not you

not your bitch
as if
i don't need you
or your engagement rings

nick the bitch
how's tom doing?
or did he dump you already after seeing the true bitch that you are?

not your bitch
for your information
we are still happily together

nick the bitch
still "together" but not engaged how exciting

not your bitch
i don't need to be engaged to be happy

nick the bitch
the only thing you talked about during our relationship was how you wanted to get married and have kids already

not your bitch
people change, asshole

nick the bitch
does that mean you still have feelings for me

not your bitch
in your dreams.

nick the bitch
you'll come back.. eventually

not your bitch
keep dreaming, robinson.

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