33 | private

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peter parker
hey babe
are you doing anything tonight?

smol bean
i just got some news tho

peter parker
what kind of news?

smol bean
nick texted me

peter parker
nick the asshole?

smol bean
yeah i guess you can say that

peter parker
why would he text you?
i thought he broke up with you

smol bean
he did but he texted me to give me some news

peter parker
what did he say?

smol bean
he's engaged

peter parker

smol bean
yeah. apparently he proposed to lily

peter parker
and she said yes..

smol bean

peter parker

smol bean
then all of this happened..

*images attatched*



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peter parkerhe has commitment issues?

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peter parker
he has commitment issues?

smol bean
that's what he told me
after I took him to meet my parents

peter parker
you're kidding
babe why the hell did you stay with him

smol bean
i dont know
i guess at the time
he made me happy
and he made me feel safe

peter parker
i understand..
i just can't understand why he would tell you all of this
and then insult you

smol bean
that's the real nick
the one you see in private
and away from the spotlight


peter parker
i really want to kick his ass

smol bean
yeah me too

peter parker
anyways, back to the question
what are you doing tonight
apart from the fact that nick texted you

smol bean
i rented out a couple movies
and i'm on my way to target to buy some ice cream

peter parker
which target?

smol bean
the one closest to my house

peter parker
ill meet you there

smol bean

love you

peter parker
that's not possible
because i love you

smol bean
that's not possible
i love you
like to infinity

peter parker
and i love you
to infinity
plus one

smol bean
i hate you

peter parker
love you too darling

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