Go big or go home

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Alright how did it all begin?

It was early morning, and my ears were stuck on the connecting door between mine and Mr. Ambrose's office. I wasn't eavesdropping of course. I was just...informing myself of the situation. That's right, I was a secretary. I had to know everything that concerned my employer. Even if it meant eavesdropping when Mr. Ambrose had clearly warned me not to do so prior to his guest arriving.

To be honest, Mr. Ambrose almost never received guests in his company office. But today, this was not the case. I had no idea who it was that came to visit Mr. Ambrose. However, he sounded like a man, about the same age as Mr. Ambrose, and him coming all the way to the office meant that there was a big, serious, and secretive secret that Mr. Ambrose was keeping from me.

Which is exactly why I needed to find out what it was.

"Are you sure it's being conducted there?"

"Yes Mr. Ambrose, it's being smuggled through the House Of Diamonds."

"And who else knows this other than you?"

"I suspect some of Dalgliesh's men."


"Things have escalated under my own nose..."

Mr. Ambrose's cool and calm muffled voice seemed slightly annoyed. It was no surprise, Lord Dalgliesh was always seriously annoying business.

"There is a particuliar broker, sir, at the House Of Diamonds who is willing to sell some info. Would you like me to contact him?"

"Do it at once."

"Alright, where and when should I schedule this meeting?"

"Tomorrow evening in the black room of the House of Diamonds. Make sure no one meddles, and no one, I repeat, no one, must find out."

"Got it sir."

"You are dismissed."

I ran to the other door of my office, and slightly opened it to catch a glimpse of the man leaving Mr. Ambrose's office. He was a tall serious looking male, who looked almost 30. The way he dressed had me convinced that aunt Brank would've tried to marry me off to him. His black hair however, was slightly wavy, compared to Mr. Ambrose's straight hair.

I rushed back into the office as soon as I heard a familiar plink.

Bring me file X3KDB77LP

I knocked on Mr. Ambrose's office door with the file in hand and seriously serious questions in mouth.

"Come in."

As usual, the stone statue sat at his desk, moving only his eyes to read a document, not wasting a single bit of uncessary energy to even look up to me.

I waited.

"Why aren't you putting the file on the desk?"

He still kept his eyes on the documents.

"So about tomorrow evening," I started, "What time should I accompany you?"

He looked up.
Oh how nice was it to finally receive my dearest employer's attention.

"What are you talking about Mr. Linton?"

"If you tell me the address, I can just meet you at the House Of Diamonds or what not."

"Mr. Linton!" He got up and slammed his hands on the desk. "I told you not to eavesdrop!"

"But sir if I hadn't, I would not have known about tomorrow's even-"

Storm and silence fanfic - When a woman playsWhere stories live. Discover now