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I screamed. Mr. Morrison Screamed. The table guide screamed. The entire table crowd screamed. 

I looked at the number 19, where the dice had landed, and screamed even more. God bless the number 19, I had just won. I HAD WON. I picked up the dice and kissed it. I kissed the cube like thing as if it was the best piece of solid chocolate to exist. 

I looked at Mr. Morrison who was still in shock, but had tears rolling down his face anyways. I then looked at the table crowd and raised my hand. I cheered so hard that more people joined in and started cheering too.

The men and women who had been gossiping about me gambling earlier were now swept with the cheers, and had completely forgotten about their previous thoughts.

"No...NO!!! I cannot accept this!" Mr. Morrison slammed on the table.

"I'm betting my remaining money. Let's go again."

I heard many stories in my life, about how people were ruined due to their lack of self-control, especially when gambling. As a smart woman, I knew that I shouldn't accept Mr. Morrison's challenge, considering I had already won. But then I thought of those paychecks...those paychecks that were worth nothing compared to the money I had right now. I shook the thought out of my head. I shouldn't gamble, I should have more self-control. That's right. It would be such a shame if I were to gamble again.  

I then proceeded to accept Mr. Morrison's request.


I was in heaven, pure heaven. I looked at my pile of cash, and gold. It was my fifth win. After Mr. Morrison lost everything, more serious men came to challenge me. One of them had murmured something about how its impossible for a woman to win this much. 

I looked him in the eye while the dice landed on my number and asked:

"Who said women can't gamble and win?" He looked very irritated.

"You must be supported by the devil himself, woman." And he ran away. I think the devil was a  pretty nice fellow for believing in me. 


When the bartender saw me, his eyes widened. As I was taking a seat, I made sure to put my bags of money on the empty seats on both of my sides so that no one would try to sit there. 

"You're that lady aren't you? The one turning the casino upside down? Everyone is talking about it. A lady with a black and gold mask is making every man lose their money." He bowed. 

"I am so very impressed. Your ladyship, who are you?" 

"Oh you know, just a little Ifrit. May I have a drink please?" 

He smiled. "Of course! Would would you like?"

"Give me your best drink." I tossed a golden coin at him, and he caught it as if were treasure from the heavens itself. 

"Are you sure my lady? It has quite the amount of alcohol in it."

"Oh I'm sure alright." Look at me making great decisions!


I was having so much fun destroying arrogant men during other gambling games that I had barely noticed the time go by. By now I was so rich that there was literally no point in me continuing my job. I could buy an entire mansion for Ella and I, and another one on the other side of England to send my aunt into. 

House of Diamonds? This place was more like Castle of The Ifrit. 

By now, a lot of ladies had completely discarded their escorts and were tagging along with me, clearly enamoured by my supreme feminist gambling skills. 

Storm and silence fanfic - When a woman playsWhere stories live. Discover now