Gold and cotton are bad luck

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(Idk this just was a cute thing I did so I re did it)

Once there was a boy, this boy had two special abilities, the ability to write and draw, but not just that when he wrote the book or drew pictures he can go into that land he had created with his own hands.

This Boy's Life was nothing but pain and suffering, so he put his most deepest wishes into a book and he
Stay in there to get away from his harsh reality, but you see every time he go in nothing is actually real,
He could never taste touch or smell in the land he had created, but he could tell the people around him what to do by just writing and drawing it down on the page.

The boy had created a specific character, a character he had worked extremely hard on
a prince ready to rule over his kingdom once his father passes, but you see this prince is not in love with his future Queen, he knows her dark secret he knows the queen sneaks away to see another man under his nose.

So the prince everyday is face-to-face with empty Smiles empty kisses and empty love from his future queen,
So every day he imagines the perfect person he would be with, but just like the boy these are only empty wishes that he knows that can not come true.

The author had grown tiresome of his normal life, and had grown weak from the people who would break him, but he met someone one day, a woman who came to him and told him that she would help him,
The boy only wanted one thing and that is to be free in his world's he created, to actually live in them
to be with his Prince.

She had told him that she had an angel's voice and could bring him this,
But he had to write her a mythical monster that she can control and that can destroy anything and everything in it's path,
He wouldn't do it, he would not put all the people's lives in danger just so he could be happy for the first time, the woman was not pleased and attacked the boy, nearly putting a hex on him, but he was saved by another Angel's voice being, and her wolf feline hybrid friend as well as a another Golden Hands girl, they had saved him.

they asked for him to write and draw a cure for the angel voice girl, because she was poisoned, the boy quickly drew the best drawing of an Elixir and gave the most detail for what it could do, with the angel voice girls last breath she conjured up the Elixir, to which her friend gave her after a few moments she awoken again healthy and well.

The boy begged to please let every book he writes come true let him go into the universe where he was loved let him see his Prince,
And she did that she sent him into his book, of which the first time people had noticed him, he walked the cobblestone streets, merchants selling items all around him, people in medieval clothing, mythical creatures such as wyverns on people shoulders as pets, children playing and running around, but the boy had one thought only, and that was to run run to his prince so he would not be sad anymore.

He ran to the castle he had designed perfectly in his head and on a piece of paper, he ran past the guards slipping by them before they could skewer him with a spear, he ran to the room that held his Prince amongst many rooms, but he knew which one his Prince was in, he ran to the door and pushed it wide open there he was his Prince.

The prince turn around looking at the boy who had just barged into his room, but his eyes sparkle when he saw who it was, He walked up to the boy and grabbed his hands and held them between his own he said " you are the lonely boy who had created me, you are the one I needed to help, you are my love and I promise to cherish you every day "
The boy was taking a back, he never wrote himself into his books and he never gave knowledge of himself to his characters.

But alas he was too happy, this is a feeling he hasn't felt in what felt like centuries, but he finally had it he finally had his


(I don't know what this was but I felt like giving you guys a little taste of a concept I came up with there are three type of people in the world only some of which could hold this power and it's very rare there are three certain powers

Golden Hands
Angel voice
cotton fingers

The boy was the mixture between cotton fingers and Golden Hands it's rare to find a breed but it's usually bad enough to be such a breed with such power comes much pain and suffering

I felt like this would be a cool concept to have I hope you guys like the short story even though it's not aphmau related anyway

Ability status

Golden hands
The ability to draw something and have become an actual place you can enter

cotton fingers
The ability to write a story and be able to see it vividly in front of you as well as has it act as if you were in a movie seeing everything for yourself in front of you

Angel's voice
The ability to grant wishes with your voice once you use this ability anything you said goes you can make things come alive when they could have been just an adamant or even put yourself into the pages of a book or drawing

Disadvantaged with these powers

Although these powers seem amazing and magical they come with a catch anyone who has one of these Powers live a terrible and suffering life the more Powers added on the more horrible your life is most people with these talents don't realize they have it in an early age and because of this they die early due to suicide

Reese's Pieces~)

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