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The Air was cold that day, unusually silent as Kao and Alfred had been wondering towards their goal, it seemed to get quieter and more unsettling as they continued forwards. Kao then started to feel uneasy and scared, clinging to Alfred. He also felt unsettled, but he wasn't going to be one to whine about it. He looked down a Kao, Noticing him clinging to his side, he was making walking almost impossible.

"...Kao do you really need to be such a pest right now? You're making this trip longer than it has to be... And I'd Appreciate it if you'd let go." Alfred groaned. He wanted to get this over with soon, Arthur wasn't such a 'Good man' to be dealing with and Alfred didn't like The 'good trip down memory lane' Ether. Kao let go of Alfred, Stepping a few feet away from him now to try and not annoy him anymore. He was hurt by his words, Alfred is really never mean to Him. Kao just looked down and silently walked along, making it obvious he was upset.

Alfred looked back at Kao, letting out a sigh and he softly Face-Palms. He wasn't in the mood at all to deal with Kao's emotions, but knew he had to try and make it better so he wasn't like this the entire time.

"Kao, I'm sorry. Okay?... I'm just... Annoyed. this isn't really a good place for me, I'm kind of on-edge myself..." Alfred attempted to sound completely sincere, and it seemed to have worked.

"Oh! I understand Al! Its fine!! ....I'm kinda just... Scared- That's all... This place... It looks really weird and all..." Kao glances around at the houses. They were now on the street Mystery lived on. All the houses were Dull and run-down looking, the place looks to have also aged with him after he left this place. Paint from houses chipping off, Houses tilting off their foundation in the slightest, this place really had it all.

Finally Alfred and Kao stop at a Familiar-looking house. The house was light blue, almost looking white now because of how much weather really effected it. The front door seems to have seen way better days, The knob rusted and the door infested with tiny splinters all over.

"Al... This House--... This house seems to be empty... There is no way someone could possibly live here... M-Maybe we should turn back?... At least we tried!-" Kao tried to turn back around to return the way they came but Alfred didn't move from the spot, he just- Stared at the house. Alfred soon grabbed Kao's arm to stop him from leaving.

"I think it's worth a shot, Kao. We've gotten this far... We should try knocking anyways," Alfred then took a closer look at the door, Noticing the splinters on it. "...Well maybe we should at least get like a rock or something to knock with... I don't think either of us should touch that door..." Kao then nodded as he searched the yard for some sort of stone.

"Got it!~" He returns to Alfred with a generally large piece of concrete he found broken off the walkway leading to the house and hands it to Alfred.

Alfred took the stone and turned towards the door. His mouth ran dry as he stood there, He was more scared then before. He thought to himself, "What if he tries to kill me? Kao can't save me even if he wanted to."
"What if he kills Kao? Not even I could save him if I, myself, wanted to."
His thoughts began to overwhelm him. he closed his eyes for a few seconds, gathering his thoughts and taking deep breathes before he opened them again, now prepared to knock on this door.

Alfred knocked on the door with the stone. There was no reply, so he tried once more. Still, Nothing to be heard. Alfred sighed in disappointment.

"I guess no one really does live here anymore... We can go back Now, Kao." Kao grabbed Alfred's hand and was ready to set out again. Until, a loud creaking noise could be heard behind
them. Alfred turned to look at the door and noticed something...
The door seemed to have opened on it's Own.

"I guess that's... An invite, isn't it?" Alfred took a few more steps towards the door, but Kao didn't follow or stop holding his hand. Alfred looked back at Kao in concern.

"I-I'm not going Al... That place is too scary for me!- maybe we should just... Go home-..." Kao was shaking in fear, seeming to be frozen to that spot.

"Then don't go Kao, but I am not going home yet, I am walking in. There is no way I'm turning back now, I've gone too far." Kao seemed like they were going to say something until Alfred interrupted. "--And that's final Kao. You can go home if its scaring you, but I'm not leaving." Kao went silent, he realized there was no way he could talk him out of this.

"I-If there is no convincing you other wise... Then... Please be Safe Al and don't get yourself killed!!-- I can't live without you!!-" Alfred gave Kao a slight smile in return to this.

"Thanks Kao... I'll make sure to be careful, Okay?..." Kao returned a bright smile as the started heading down the house walkway, waving goodbye as they left back to work.

Alfred pushed the door open the stone once again, walking into the completely dark living room. He couldn't see a thing anywhere, He wondered in eventually bumping into a table in the middle of the room pretty hard causing him to let out a yelp.

"God Dammit!!- Can't see a god damned thing in here... How could someone live in a place so dark in the first place?!" He yelled out, his words Echoing through the empty place.

Suddenly Alfred felt a hand now resting on his shoulder, he tried to scream but the other hand covered his mouth before he could- The hands were extremely hot on his Fur- way hotter than the normal body temperature. Then one by one candles started to light on the walls creating light in the room. Alfred looked down at the persons hand who was covering his mouth, Noticing the fur was light blue- this could have only been one person...
The Figure behind him now began to speak, whispering into his ear his Words, The voiced sounded Seductive for some reason.

"Jeremy isn't home, Alfred~... He's been gone for over 20 Years~..." Muffled attempts to talk by Alfred are heard, Arthur now letting go of him. Alfred moves a few steps away from Arthur, now face-to-face with him.

"I wasn't here for him, I came here for you... I have a Favor To... Ask of you--.... It's about Jeremy..." Alfred spoke nervously and cautiously- he knew with only a few slips of words Arthur could kill him. Arthur just began to laugh some at the statement.

"Jeremy's been dead a long time ago, I guess you haven't heard~... He was caught in a horrible accident. He didn't make it out Alive~..." Alfred stood, Questioning what he was talking about. He KNEW he saw Jeremy a few days ago.

"....Jeremy isn't dead, he spoke to me a few days ago after many years of us being apart... I actually came here to... Ask if you could do something about him-... Get rid of him?... Like scare him away?..." Alfred hoped this information wouldn't be the thing that got himself killed- he regrets coming here now, Maybe he should have stayed at work and delt with it instead.
Or maybe not...

"I'm Interested ~..."

It Never Remains The Same (Credit to SleepyKinq)Where stories live. Discover now