Go Away [Violence/Gore]

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       Alfred took a step back in shock, surprised he accepted his offer willingly. Trying to figure out why he accepted too freely, he had some idea.
       "There's no way you'd accept like this, you aren't that kind of man and I know it..." He squinted at Arthur, he couldn't read what that old man was thinking behind his wicked grin that never seemed to fail.
       "Seems like you aren't so trusting like you were, dear Alfred~... You seemed to have grown a lot since we last met, but you didn't come over often~... How rude of you that was..." He then glanced around his room, the place was dim to the point where you could only see things close to the warn-out candles. His grin grew wider as he continued on thinking about who-knows-what.
       "But there is nothing more that I would want then to see my son again~... It's been so long since the... Accident~... I am just thrilled to see him~.... So you are doing me a favor." Alfred didn't really believe the 'Accident' part of it all, it was too obvious that it was intentional. He was shocked about the fact that Mystery was dead at some point though, but he decided to not think much of it at the moment because it wouldn't have been great to ask more about it because he'd just get lies.
       "I know where he is currently," He looked back towards to door at the moment, thinking if this was truly a good idea in the first place. Arthur would know where he worked and went to everyday, he is stronger than Mystery and could easily kill him too if he so pleased, But it seemed like the best option. Mystery needed what he Deserved, so he continued with less hesitation. "He is now the boss at the hospital a few blocks down. I can take you there if you'd--..."
     Arthur interrupted immediately, "Splendid!~... Let's go now. Neither of us seem busy, and I just can't WAIT to see my dear boy again~... How I'd love to see how he turned out to be~..."
Alfred just shrugged at the act, and was ready to leave and so they did.

       Alfred and Arthur began to walk down the weird block, staring at all the houses again an how they looked so vacant. He had many questions to ask, the walk together just seemed awkward on it own so it was a real Ice-Breaker.
      "You lived here ever since me and Jeremy were kids... You never grown tired of the place?... What even happened here?... The place looks to beaten, doesn't even look like people lived here anymore... I wasn't even sure if you did."
    It took Arthur a few moments to reply, looking around himself.
       "What are you talking about?~ all the houses look brand new!~ I had no reason to leave when my house always stayed nice and clean. Nothing happened here other than a few new neighbors moving in!~... Look, Alfred!~... There is a Neighbor right there!~..."
       Alfred glanced over to the direction he was looking at to see nothing but a falling over "For Sale" Sign. Arthur was happily waving towards it, believing that there really was a person there. "Delusional... Must be from the old age." Alfred thought to himself. To not upset Arthur, he waved back to the sign quickly and continued walking.
       "Jeremy, what is he like now?~... I'm curious! Even though it might spoil the surprise~..." Alfred didn't really know what he should respond with, he's only seen him since two days ago after it's been years, but he just puts something together.
       "Jeremy ended up worse than I thought he ever could have been. He's persistent even when he shouldn't be, Violent, Rude, and childish... He can't let go of the past..." He clenched his fists, he didn't like this conversation choice.
       "Ahhhh~... He acts similar to me even though he hasn't seen me in so long~... Father like son, Eh?~... He should be absolutely over joyed to see me again!~... I mean, I sure would be if I was him~..." Alfred just ran his hand through his hair impatiently. He just wanted to get there, and soon.

       After a good agonizing 20 minutes of walking, they got to the hospital. Kao was waiting on a bench outside, swinging his legs back and forth waiting patiently for Alfred to return. He looked up to see him and Arthur arriving, he almost jumped out of his skin with joy until he saw Arthur there as well, His intimidating Aura shooting him down.
       "Welcome back Al!~ Mystery's inside!- might want to hurry Though, you look awhile and I think he's looking for you..." Kao didn't take his eyes off of Arthur.
       "Who's this 'Mystery' person?~ I thought we were looking for Jeremy..." He was annoyed, thinking this was all some sort Of set-up to get him to help them.
       "Mystery is Jeremy-" Alfred quickly interrupted. "Mystery is the name Jeremy goes by now for some reason... I couldn't make sense of it myself, but he get angry if you call him Jeremy..." Kao nodded in agreement.
       "I'll take note of that!~... now, Shall we go in? Shouldn't have him waiting for too long!~...." His voiced sounded more unsettling than normal, it gave Kao and Alfred the chills. They both gave a quick glance to each other.

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