Tomorrows Another Day

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Alfred woke up that morning, his organs felt like they were all crushed into mush inside his body and that all his bones were broken. Glady, this isn't the case. Maybe sleeping in a proper bed would have been slightly helpful. He begins to get ready for a 'Wonderful' day of work, changing clothes, brushing his hair, normal things like that. He met up with Kao everyday before work, they'd walk there together since they didn't live far from each other and work itself.
Eventually after about 20 minutes of getting prepared, he leaves the house and walks to a nearby corner to meet Kao.

Kao soon did arrive, cheerfully practically skipping down the sidewalk. Its surprising that he was acting this way when it was so early in the morning, they must have been a morning person while Alfred isn't at all.

Kao swifty pulled Alfred in for a hug as he arrived, Alfred a bit shocked from him already been falling back asleep standing there.

"Al!~ It's great to see you are coming to work today! I was afraid you wouldn't because of yesterday...
But I'm really REALLY glad you're here Al!~"
He then grabbed Alfred's hand, and pulled him along the way to work a slight bit. He could tell he was pretty tired already. Alfred didn't mind holding Kao's hand, so he returned the gesture. Kao blushed slightly, and smiled brightly, but Alfred didn't care enough to notice. Alfred took everything Platonically, and he always has and will. He never sees himself romantically having feelings for him, While Kao's feelings towards Alfred are the complete opposite.

"Yeah... You don't have to worry about me so much Kao, I can take care of myself... But I appreciate you worrying anyways... I Just hope that 'You-Know-Who' isn't there anymore and has just left us alone now... He's so different."

"I hope he isn't there either!~ He was so mean and scary!~ And what he did to you yesterday... That was horrible!!-"
Kao then gave Alfred a saddened look.
"Since he was your best friend... Do you ever miss him?... Y-Y'know!--
Your friendship with him? It must have been hard to lose a friend you were close too..."

Alfred is slightly pained by this kind of question, he did miss Jeremy. He missed what they had, but he knew it was over and he'd never get that again but he shook off the question and answered with a quick lie.

"No. I don't miss anything, I guess it was hard losing him then, but I've grown to not care anymore.
I hate him.
He killed my family when we were young, then Shia... And caused my wife and my daughter to leave me by framing me... I can never forgive him for as long as I continue to live."

Kao looks forward towards the path now, he noticed he hit a sensitive topic and wanted to quickly back away from it.

"Well! Let's just hope he isn't there, Okay?!~ He probably isn't anymore!~ I wish for him not to be there as much as you do... You know? I would never want you to get hurt again!~..."

He grips Alfred's hand tighter to try and make him feel better. Alfred doesn't return the motion, but he gives a slight smile back to him.

"Thanks Kao... You're always there for me. It's nice to have a friend like you around all the time."

"Of course!~ No problem Al!~ You'll never have to worry about me leaving either, I've always got your back!~"

They Eventually make it to their work, they walk in and all is normal. No Mystery in sight So far, Alfred let's out a sigh of relief. "it's all over now..." He muttered to himself.

Just as that was said, a Purple-Haired figured appeared behind Alfred and Kao. It tapped Alfred's shoulder. Alfred turns around to face it and soon does Kao as well, Them both shocked at the sight.
Of course, it was Mystery.
Mystery then spoke to them both.

"You thought it was over that easily?!~
One day of meeting me and that's it after I've spent almost my entire life trying to get to this point?!~"
He laughed maniacally at this statement, than continued on. Tears forming in his eyes, nothing was really funny about this at all.

"God you are so so so SOOOO~  WRONG!~ You don't just show up one day and never see your friends again!~ That's just RUDE!~ And do you know what's even MORE RUDE?!~ To act inviting to them but really never want to see their face on the planet ever again!~ Isn't that right AL?!~" He laughed more as he spoke, some words sounded like they weren't even English anymore.

Alfred and Kao just stood there silently, staring at him as Mystery's voice echoed throughout the building. The echo's seemed to 'Taunt' Alfred.
Alfred began to feel himself get angrier by the second. He stomped closer to Mystery, Grabbing his tie rather forcefully. Kao wanted to yell for Alfred, but not want to get caught into it like he did last Time. Kao was at a loss.

Mystery then pulled Alfred closer to him by grabbing the front folds of Alfred's lab coat in more of a Seductive manner. Leaving Alfred and Mystery's Faces only Centimeters apart.

"Oh Al~... I never thought you'd try and pull such moves on me at a time like this!~... Haven't you heard of the term... Hmm...~ 'Not Safe For Work?!'~
I guess you don't care about the rules, Huh?!~" He grabs Alfred's shirt a bit tighter.

Alfred is just filled with even more rage as Mystery tries to pull this off as a sexual invite. Without thinking, Alfred let's go of his tie and punches Mystery as hard as he can in the nose causing his nose to bleed instantly.

Mystery then covers his nose with his hand in pain, he was hit pretty hard. He wasn't ready for something like that, so it was even worse.

"Very Uncalled For.... Al...~"

His Eyes become a darker shade then they normally are, Fading from
Then gray...
And then finally black.
Mystery normally looked like this when too upset, it was never good to make him angry with how much power he has.
Mystery's arms turned into Shadow-Like claws like before. Alfred prepared for the worst to be done to him now, but instead of crushing him this time, Mystery punches Alfred in the face with one of the claws making Alfred go flying back into a wall behind them. Kao screamed out for Alfred and rushed over to him.



Alfred was Unresponsive.
He was out cold, a blow like that could have easily caused him to die so he was lucky he only fainted from it.

Mystery walked over to the wall glancing down at Alfred, then Kao.

"HEY YOU NEED TO STOP HURTING AL!!- WE DON'T NEED BULLIES LIKE YOU AROUND HERE!! SO GET LOST!!--" Kao Screamed at Mystery. Trying to somehow seem like he had some power over him. Obviously a failed attempt.

Mystery just toward over Kao, Beaming down over him. He was like a tower to Kao. Kao then started shake rapidly in fear, he didn't want to be hurt like Alfred just was. Internally insulting himself for stepping up when nothing could have been done about it.

He just kicks Kao away, only hurting Him a slight bit. He knew if he used his magic anymore he'd start to vomit up blood.

He then returned to his normal state looking back at Alfred and Kao. Proud of his work, he smirked and he looked towards one of the work rooms doors and walked to it.

"Get back to work you two!~ Don't wanna lose your jobs... Do you?~~"
He said Sarcastically as he entered into the work room.

Tomorrows Another Day...

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