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I opened my eyes.

"Harry!" She said.

I turned to my left and saw her lying next to me.


She smiled and reached up to touch my face.

"Where are we?" I asked her.

We were lying in gold coloured grass that felt as soft as cotton on my back. The sound of buzzing insects filled my ears as a cool breeze hit my bare arms. The bright sun above us left a warm glow on my skin.

She shrugged. "I dunno."

"I'm confused. What happened?" I asked.

She looked at me sadly. "I left, Harry."

"What?" I asked her.

"I left. I'm gone, Harry and I'm never coming back." She answered.

"Camila what are you talking about? Where did you go?"

"You won't find me so don't look for me. I'm sorry, Haz."

And with that, she sat up. I tried to get up and follow her but she was too fast for me.

"Camila! Camila come back!" I yelled after her retreating figure.

She looked over her shoulder but kept walking.

I wanted to run after her but it was as if my feet were glued to the ground.

She smiled at me and disappeared into the long yellow grass.

"Camila! Please don't leave me!" I begged, but she was already gone.

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