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I woke up a bit earlier than usual the next day. Usually I woke up only when half the day was over but that day I woke up around 10 a.m.

I showered and dressed comfortably in black jeans and a flowy white top. I tied my hair up and put in a pair of earrings just because I wanted to.

Halfway through putting on some make-up to cover the bags under my eyes, my stomach was already grumbling.

After I looked presentable, I ran down the stairs to get something that would tame the beast of hunger within me.

Unfortunately, my appetite was destroyed as soon as I saw what was on the kitchen counter.

There on the surface where I made my sandwiches was a half-dressed slut whose face was sucking on my brother's.

"I live here too you know!" I yelled.

The two of them broke apart instantly. Sky tried shoving her boobs back into her top as my brother attempted to hide the tent in his pants.


"Cami! What are you doing up so early?" Andres asked, his voice at least three octaves higher than it usually was.

"On the kitchen counter, Drey? Seriously? I freaking make my food there!" I yelled.

"Oh calm down. We didn't-"

"Shut up you tramp! He has a girlfriend who loves him! How could the two of you do something like this?" I cried.

"Cami, listen. I-"

"Drey, I'm so disappointed in you. Honestly." I replied sadly.

I took one last glance at the both of them before walking out of the house.

I wasn't sure where I was going but I had to get away from my brother.

My feet automatically took me towards the next door neighbor's house and I found myself knocking on the door.

"Camila? What are you doing here?" He asked as soon as he opened the door.

I was about to answer when he gasped and held up his hand.

"I'm sorry. Please, come in." He smiled at me.

I smiled back and walked in.

Their house was set up pretty much the same was as ours was. The front door opened up to an average sized living room and on the other side was a small passageway that led to the kitchen.

I dropped myself onto the black couch and let out a sigh of frustration. A second later, Cyrus did the same. He stared at me, making me stare right back and eventually I found myself in the middle of a staring contest with him.

Let's get one thing straight: I am terrible at staring contests. Every time anyone challenged me to a staring contest, I ended up bursting into laughter halfway. This time, however, I couldn't tear my eyes away.

Cyrus' eyes were nothing short of sexy: they were a deep brown with tiny flecks of gold in them. Something about those eyes entranced me and I couldn't have looked away even if I wanted to.

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