Seeing Life

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       It's been a couple of years sense Lucas died and sense Winter was born.
     Winter is now 2 years old. She is the best thing to me, but I can't go in her room without getting a creepy feeling.
      For that past 2 years I keep seeing
Lucas by Winters crib every night.
    It's like he's trying to take her, but every time I show mom she says she doesn't see anything but I am sitting there staring at him.
     It's getting old. Nobody believes me.
Everybody thinks I'm crazy.
     He looks at me every night and gives me a weird grin. It's kinda creepy.
     I don't know what to do, it makes me nervous, scared, and sick.
      I need somebody to see him.
I need somebody to tell me I'm not crazy!
      I can't take it anymore!
     I had just woken up. I got up and got Winter out of her crib and into her high  chair. I made her some breakfast to eat.
She was going to have some berries and her milk.
       I began feeding her when mom walked in.
"Hey sweetie!"
"Hey mom!"
"You ok this morning?"
"Yeah I'm all good...."
"Ok hon!"
"Hey mom can you pass me her bib?"
"Yeah sure"
"Here ya go!"she said tossing it to me.
"Thanks! Mom sense I've been seeing Lucas a lot everybody's been calling me crazy and I'm getting sick of it!!!"
"Well honey it kinda is crazy! You can't just be telling people you see ghost! You keep that to yourself."
"Mom I don't think it's a ghost I think it's Lucas!"
"Well think whatever you think.....but it's either a ghost or your just seeing stuff because he's dead!!!"she said slamming the groceries down.
   Then Winter started crying. That's when I was ticked off.
   I started feeding Winter again as mom walked off like a little wimp.
"Winter Mamas a little meanie!"
"Oh sweetie, here comes the choo choo train."
She looked up to the cabinets behind me then I felt a cold hand on my shoulder, just after thinking about Lucas.
I looked behind me and there stood Lucas watching the baby. He then looked down at me and grinned then disappeared.
She came running through the hallway.
"He was there....."I whispered.
"I've had it!!! This is not Lucas your seeing it's your dang imagination!!! Do you hear me?"
"Y-yes mom....."
"Ok, now stop talking about your darn imaginary person!"
She then walked back to her room and lie down on her bed.
I sat there in shock as to why she was saying that. I looked down at Winter who was begging for food. I began to feed her very quietly.

Later that night a layed Winter down for her bedtime and I also went to bed. I looked around to make sure Lucas wasn't around then fell asleep.
A few minutes later I heard my bed creak. I looked over to see Lucas climbing in my bed.
"Lucas?!"I whisper screamed.
"Yeah?!"he whisper screamed back.
"What are you doing?!"I whisper.
"I'm going to kill you so you will be with me!!"
I then woke up screaming. It was a nightmare, but it felt so weird. Mom came running through the door.
"Y-yeah mom, he was in my dream."
" you!"
"Love you t-too mom...."I said with a worried look.
"W-what is it honey?"
"Mom he's behind you with a worried l-look."
"Oh honey please stop it!"
    She turned around and walked out of my room.
"No go to sleep!"
   When she had finally walked out I closed my eyes and after a few minutes fell asleep.
      I don't think I'm just seeing stuff. I KNOW ITS REAL!!!!

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