~1~ The Silence...

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OKAY IF ANYONE IS READING THIS, I AM SORRY IF THIS STORY BURNS YOUR EYES. This is my really bad ongoing attempt at my own Dan Smith Bastille Fanfiction; I started it around September last year but I never had the courage to publish it...I feel awful already goshh *dies* *resurrects again* *harhar it said erect lulsorry* There are quite a lot of Dan ones, so I feel guilty about not writing one about lovely Woody, Will and Kyle...Then again they do have girlfriends haha XD But yeah enjoy this first terrible chapter! *squeals*
*PS. none of this is reaaaal! I may take some real events (concerts etc.) as settings or random facts from Dan or anything like that; but the rest is ALL made up :)*
*P.P.S this is set as though they have their BAD BLOOD album out but not necessarily MASSIVELY known worldwide, or at least not as big as they are now but still known if that makes sense? So err yeah...It will lead up to how big Bastille are currently and it'll all make sense! But for now...ENJOY MY BAD IMAGINATION!*


Chapter 1:

Just another university student: just another one of the snobs with rich parents, just another goody-two shoes who gets what they want. But none of those things actually summed her up. She was the opposite. What's to brag about having parents with great jobs or owning a big house? It's just a normal lifestyle!

I guess she was just another quiet person who spent their life listening to music rather than going out every weekend on a rave; she wasn’t a rebel, nor was she a goody-two shoes. She just followed orders. Agreeing was always better than arguing…Right? She tended to live in her own fairy tale, well, whenever she had her earphones on or when she spent countless hours on the internet. Most people just brushed her away really, who wants to hang around with someone who's scared of getting shouted at by a teacher? It was for sure her parents didn’t understand her; or else she wouldn’t have to stop day dreaming by 6 o’clock sharp…

Tami Russo. That’s the name, and the girl funnily enough.

Why was it her parents had to give her the most ridiculous sounding name in existence? Tamilia. Really? Tami was okay (for a nickname) but why not something simple? Why did it have to be a name, no one could ever spell right? Not even teachers or friends or in fact, just ANYONE; could spell it correctly. 
"Is it two l's? Or was it one i?"
Gosh world, why so complex? Why couldn’t her life be simple? SIMPLES.
All she likes to do is read: eat, sleep, go on the internet, listen to music…And basically do what every 'neeerd' enjoys doing in their spare time when they’re not doing extra work for lessons. That’s simple.
But actually, let’s just make her life a little more complicated! Let’s make sure, her parents know they are ashamed of her dreams and constantly disapprove of her actions; why don’t we also make sure, that she knows that not being popular means "OMG UR SO WEIRD"…Ooh, I forgot the toppings! Let’s also add, some extra random bad luck, a pinch of low-self-esteem and finally! Only 2 real friends to count on (or so it appeared)….

But even though she has insecurities, doesn’t everyone? I mean, it’s not as if everyone is perfect. Perhaps it depends on that person whether they can truly be content with themselves…
Is it being dumbstruck…Or is it having nothing on their side?

Shall we cut to the chase? Yes, that might be best…Her life seems typically boring enough already…


It was just an ordinary Saturday, well…For Tami at least… Her idea of Ordinary was people’s idea of something extremely crazy or just BOOOORING.
This particular Saturday was planned to be like any other.
11am. Wake up because your parents will have to count to 3 (which means you’re grounded) if you don’t get out of your bed…
 12pm. Kind of get ready to spend another day in bed…
1pm. Spend as much time as you can procrastinating before deciding to do some work till 5pm
Then you simultaneously comprehend listening to music and revision till 3 in the morning…
‘SOUNDS LIKE A PLAN’ Tami would tell herself constantly…

Her thoughts constantly interrupted her sleep; but what the hell…THIS WAS A SATURDAY!  She looked over at the neon glow in the dark alarm clock on the desk beside her cabin bed.
4AM?! I only went to sleep 2 hours ago! I don’t have to get up till 11! She swore exhaustedly under her breath before rolling on her opposite side, trying to get comfortable. No. It was too hot! Violently, she tossed and turned but still she was not comfortable! The bed springs screamed which each heavy bounce: She wasn’t that that heavy she thought to herself….Oh great! Another thing to be concerned about, her weight! A sudden thumping echoed through the ceiling under her bed; followed by a manly groaned shout which sounded rather much like “Will you GET COMFORTABLE FOR GOD’S SAKE GIRL, I’M TRYING TO SLEEP!”
Thanks Dad. Nice to know you care about my sleep and future health. I suddenly wondered why my Dad was in the guest room below me...Mmm, Mum must have kicked him out or something.
Miserably, she sighed heavily making sure the entire neighbourhood heard and shut her eyes tightly once again. An image popped into her mind, followed by weird lights which her brain must have somehow conjured up into her eyelids. Soon, she dropped off…

*Tami’s POV*

This bed was so comfortable, warm and snuggly…THIS is why I love Saturdays, no school, no work and especially no annoying people--
A loud knocking called from across the room.
I ignored it, hoping that this was either a dream or someone was accidentally walking into my door repeatedly and would soon go away--
The knocking continued, but this time followed by “ARE YOU AWAKE?”
“Urghhhhh…” I groaned as my reply and screamed inwardly in discomfort of being awake, it’s too early…I looked over at the same alarm clock, it was 12 o’clock. Maybe it wasn’t early after all.

“WELL WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING IN YOUR BED STILL?” I heard my mum say now appearing in the doorway; being the sarcastic person I am, I replied
“Oh well you know, yoga routines. I call this one the ‘Lie in your bed and pretend to sleeping’”
Hmmm…I probably shouldn’t have said that, as now my mum was scorning at me and muttering under her breath
Oh cheer up you miserable moo’ my conscious said
Ha. I agree! What’s wrong with an extra 6 hours in bed?
“Tamilia Erica Russo! I want you dressed and downstairs for lunch in the dining room pronto! I shall have no excuses whatsoever!”
I yet again groaned, but more clearly so she heard my disapproval. Can’t you just leave a 19 year old University student alone to sleep till the end of time?

“Also” She cut into my thoughts, “Try to dress a little more…lady like, I was hoping to get the family together today and have a nice day outside at this lovely venue we’ve been invited too; There will be some lovely young lads for you perhaps...And there shall be entertainment! I don’t want to see you in those…What are they called…Converse? No, no, tacky things. Put on that nice dress I bought you! Don’t be shy to pop on a bit of mascara…You could use it…”

I raised my eyebrows at that
“Pardon?!” I called back shocked,
“Oh nothing nothing…” Mum said.
Slowly, I dragged myself out of bed, heading into my en-suite I switched the shower on. No internet today then. Wait. That means no Tumblr. NO. NO. I CAN'T EVEN. NO.
Thanks Socialising!

Okay that was my first chapter! May I just say, that the tenses in the entire story itself will occasionally change from either 1st Person with a character or 3rd person depending on the situation etc. I know Bastille hasn't come into the first chapter, but I like to build things up rather than jump straight into it, since it's good to actually understand the storys plot. Pleaaase comment anything I need to improve, or even vote if you want? I don't know how these things work... If you liked it then THANK YOU. YOU'RE AWESOME. HAVE A CAT. I DON'T EVEN OWN A CAT. THE PEOPLE ACROSS THE ROAD FROM ME DO SO YOU CAN HAVE THAT ONE. YAY*

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