~11~ The Plan...

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 HELLO EVERYONE. Now you all know how this will start...but seriously...THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR OVER 1,000 READS! I felt like I needed to post something to celebrate even if this chapter is utter rubbish. And to think that only a few months ago I got excited when I got 8 reads (no joke, it's in my 2nd chapter XD I'm so sad) It's absolutely mind-blowing that people like this and I just...I can't...I'm getting all teary *sniffle*. Joking aside, I'm really happy you seem to like this just as much as I enjoy writing it! MOVING ON FROM THAT SAPPY NONSENSE...Welcome to Chapter 11. Now from here onwards the plot actually got a little awry; so some parts are kind of hard to understand what I'm trying to say is happening. So enough with that...I hope you enjoy my failed attempt at a celebrationy chapter that I actually already write :D


It’s been over a month since the ordeal, but now our bond was stronger than it ever was before. For the long run, after talking it through we decided it was best we stayed as friends, take it slow. Yet, it didn’t make me change my feelings for him; he was like the hope that I’d been waiting for to arrive from the start of the 19 years I’d been on this earth. But honestly? I was more than happy with how things were going; it was how insignificant my life was before suddenly turning into this mass of surreal happenings!  Tami Russo, the girl who was dragged to a venue, the girl who met her best friends, the girl who lost a fight and the girl who discovered hope. Sounds cheesy, right? Trust me, it is; but I couldn’t place how happy I was with everything in my life. I was living with someone who cared for me, someone I cared back for, was in the company of probably the nicest genuine people I’d come across; and despite all the drama, I wouldn’t have changed a single thing.

But as the weeks dragged by, it was soon to happen. I checked my calendar every day (it was the 19th April today) they first arrived at the start of the year (the 7th of January to be exact) and they were to leave on the last Friday before the May term. Knowingly, I knew that I’d have to rent out an apartment of my own soon if they had to leave here, but for now I remained positive that I still had 4 weeks, 28 days left to be with him...I mean them. I knew that they were going on a world tour starting here on the 20th May, so that was an extra 3 days of Bastille...Then again, I hadn’t a clue of what was going to happen. Do I go back to my parents and my dad freaks out ‘cause he’s a twit? Or do I stay in Dan’s apartment and ward off any evil spirits that try to sell us things and stuff? I retreated away from it, and looked at all the windows open on my laptop; things like ‘JOB WANTED’ and ‘STAFF REQUIRED’ basically filled my browser. If I need to save up, better start now...

“Tam, come down in a bit” Dan called from the bottom of the stairs. I had to go to Uni today, but I didn’t really want to...I sighed, closed the lid of my laptop and trudged down the stairs.

I walked into the living room and flopped onto the sofa yawning, I hadn’t bothered getting changed yet since it was only half 7. Dan walked in, glasses on and fully dressed holding a plate of egg and toast in one hand and a cup of tea in the other; he placed them down in front of me and smiled before sitting down next to me. “Why aren’t you dressed, lazy arse?” He asked, gently tugging my pyjama bottoms. I yawned again, and stretched out dramatically making sure I purposely got my hand in the way of Dan’s face and laughed as I saw him trying to dodge it. “Hey mess with the hair and those eggs are going somewhere else” he implied on my head obviously. My dirty side immediately took this the wrong way, and I started giggling really hard, Dan just looked at me unsure of my sanity. It finally clicked and he moaned with a sound of slight disgust and hilarity at my rude mind, “Oh Tamiiiii, I didn’t even mean it like that, what’s wrong with you?” his reaction creased me. “The look on your face Dan! Hahahaha” Let’s just say my amusement lasted another 5 minutes or so. “Eat your breakfast and drink your tea, it’ll get cold” Dan instructed me after I’d calmed down, “Aww you made food for me? That’s so nice of you” I said as I picked up a slice of the egg on toast and bit into it. However, the yolk started running down my chin and I had to quickly shove the entire thing into my mouth. “Dunn, cun yoo pass a tishoo?” I tried to say with my mouth crammed with egg, covering my mouth with my hand but the yolk was now dripping onto my lap. “You know, you shouldn’t talk with your mouth full-” Dan said turning to me before suddenly spitting out the tea he just sipped also onto me, I gasped and choked a little on my food as he ended up in hysterics. I could feel my eyes widen at him, STOP LAUGHING AT ME AND GET ME A TISSUE I’M COVERED IN EGG AND YOUR DRINK, PEASANT!  “OH MY GOD I’M SO SORRY” he burst out again laughing as he jumped up and ran into the kitchen, coming back shortly with a damp tea towel in hand. Let’s just say that by the end of that situation, my pyjamas were now completely soaked with yolk, tea and Dan’s saliva. Yay. I don’t think I’ll be wearing them for a while...

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