~4~ The Guy Who Ran Into The Door...

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*Hi! I've been looking at my reads for this and it's utterly surreal!? I'm shocked :O Thank you so much if you've been liking this story, it's really fun to write! :D
Now in this chapter we follow on from the awkwardness of the unexpected encounter... I've even added a picture for it (you'll find out later as to why) so I hope the link works so you can see it! It isn't real of course, just my terrible forged handwriting and scribbles XD
Enough of my rambling...HAPPY READING GUYZZZ :D:D:D*


Mr. Dawes finished his lecture about what composing was and all the styles we were going to look at for influence. He really clarified that we were going to get help from this band, telling us ‘not to be shy’ with the help of Dan and Woody but ‘not to be too clingy’. Everything was overwhelming, but maybe I was overreacting. Yeah, of course I was. We were dismissed as soon as he said get to work, however I decided to stay put for a little bit in my chair; I felt a little bit shaky. Dan and Woody were in the corner by the door chatting to each other.

Time passed, but once I believed I was a little less gawky I decided to get started on some research. I stood up, quickly balancing myself and walked to the mostly empty back of the room where the computers were in the opposing corner of where they stood talking. Unusually, a lot of people were near the front (although they’re probably just trying to talk to the famous people or whatever) I turned on the Mac I sat in front of, and logged into my account. The home screen loaded rather quickly, I clicked the YouTube short-cut Icon on the desktop and typed in “Composition in music” I clicked various videos and made notes in my Music book about all kinds of melodies and appropriate things to use (for example, Waltz, an Oompah-Pah kind of beat) I did this for about 20 minutes.

On the final video I wanted to make notes on before looking at some websites, a video advert appeared with this man showing his nipples...Hmmm...Well, I wasn’t surprised that the man was in fact LukeIsNotSexy. I shook my head, laughing to myself as the advert carried on
“Why are you watching a video with some man’s nipples?” A voice said from behind me.
I jumped out of my skin, quietly swearing before pressing the skip button, missing the rest of the advert. I craned my neck towards the figure now standing beside me and glared. It was Woody. He started laughing and patted my shoulder playfully.
“Well I’ll be the first to say, I certainly didn’t expect to see you again, especially here!” He spoke and I let a smile slip
“Say’s you! I was wondering whether or not you’d recognise me and was going to embarrass me in front of everyone” I admitted, now grinning at him. He grinned back and replied
“Oh I’ve still got another 5 months to embarrass you; it’s all in good time”

Woody and I spoke for another 10 minutes, 99% of the time it was just questions like “Why were you at the venue?” and “What’s it like being in a band?” rather than asking for any advice. I finally asked him a better question before I continued research “Got any ideas on what inspirations I can use with composing? I suck with ideas” He shrugged at me and answered “I’m not exactly the best person to be asking for ideas, Kyle and Will aren’t here —oh they’re the other two that couldn’t be bothered to show up today— but your best option is Dan” He finished, nodding towards the opposite corner where he was talking to Mr. Dawes. To be honest, Dan was a last resort (as was Woody). But even though I didn’t sense any uncomfortable ease with Woody anymore, it was just the thought really. I didn’t know if it was going to be more bothersome or not with Dan; and if I was annoying, I didn’t want the thought of irritating a ‘famous person’ on my conscious.

I finished my research with 15 minutes to spare, I concluded my work with a few random and made up inspirations. So now I had a quarter of an hour to do absolutely nothing but sit in the corner and day dream. I walked over to where my table was (by Mr. Dawes desk) and sat down. Dan and Mr. Dawes were still talking to each other when I looked back at them. I sighed heavily before suddenly an idea came into mind! I got my earplugs and slipped one through the sleeve of my grey hoodie, put the hoodie on, placed the speaker in the palm of my hand and leant on my so it was not noticeable but I could hear the music. I put my phone on shuffle and began drawing random things on a scrap piece of paper. Some Arctic Monkeys came on. Yes Arabella, I love this song *drowns in awesomeness*

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