The Begining (prolouge)

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In the small state of Idaho a young boy named James walks to the front of his class room and starts to speak.  "Before the planet earth was found their was an alien race known as the Altarens. They were a peacfull race. One day they made a spaceship capable of intersteller travel. Most of the race wanted to go but the others wanted to stay. When the Altarins left the ones that stayed behind said that the ones that left betrayed them.

  The ones that stayed named themselves the 'Ori'. After awhile the Altarens found a belt of stars and one of theis stars was earth and on earth they descovered an ore known as 'Naquada' this ore could conduct any type of energy. So they used this ore to make many portals called 'Stargates.' After they sent Stargates all across the galaxy they made a ship to seed other galaxys and also made a ship to map out all the Stargates that were seeded. And that ships name was 'Deistiny'. After 100 years they found a desese that nearly wiped them out. So they built a ship the size of a city capable of intersteler travel called Atlantis.

 One was left behind because she was carying the desise. And was still alive and anyone that touched her became infected. They flew Atlantis to a nearby galaxy known as the Pegases galaxy.

 They landed Atlantis on an ocean. In time the galaxy bore the fruit of life. Until one day they woke an enemy known as the 'Wraith'. Over time they took over the galaxy until only Atlantis remained. Over years of war in the skys of Atlantis they sunk the city to the bottom of the sea and went back to earth to live out their lives. And that is the timeline of the altarens." He finnishes.

 The audience then boos at James and throws balls of paper at him.  ''Alright. class is over" The teacher says. As the last bell for the school day goes off. As James walks out of the school a bright glow surounds him he looks all around then raises an eyebrow. "What the heck?!" Suddenly he couldnt move. "Help!" He yells. Then suddenly he is faceing a huge city that looks like Atlantis but on land. 'Oh crap!'

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