Shit Creek

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"Tomarow I will take you to the genii home world" Tylose says "shure thing " James says " and theirs one other thing whear is your world? " Tylose asks "why do you ask?" James asks "so we can contact you" Tylose says " actulaly we keep moveing between worlds to not get captuered by the wraith" James says "smart" Tylose says. At the Stargate James,Sarah,Cora,Jayda,Jose, and Tony are geting ready to go threw." By the way whats your name" Tylose says "Jamus" James says" nice to meet you Jamus" Tylose says as he gives James a Genii radio. Back on Atlantis James is on the balcony of the tower Sarah notices James out side and dicides to join him"wacha doing?" Sarah asks" thinking"  James says "about what?" Sarah asks "wether i should tell the Genii the truth because I dont think they will belive me" James says " i wouldent tell them but the choice is up to you" Sarah says"are they still alies?" James asks " who?" Sarah asks "the Genii and Earth" James says" I don't know but you can find out in the morning" sarah says as she pats his back and gets back to watching the Stargate. In the morning at the gate room James is picking out peouple to come "Sarah, Cora, and Jayda will be comeing along. You two can explore the city. Tell me if you find anything when we come back. Let's go" James says as they go thrue the Stargate. On the Genii home world they are met with six Genii soldgers with triple barale shotguns pointed at them." Stand down" Tylose says as he enters the large room" quite the welcome" James says as he lowers his hands" my apolages we are not use to friendly visators if you know what I mean" Tylose says as the Genii soldgers lower their wepons " our world was destroyed by the Wraith we know what you mean. Not to be to foward are you alied with the ones from earth?" James asks as he walks towards Tylose " unfortinetly not. We use to but we lost their trust. Why do you ask?" Tylose asked as they walked toward a hatch in the ground" just wondering" James says as Tylose opens the hatch " after you" Tylose says "so whear is your bace of operations?" James asks as they got off the ladder"Here" Tylose says as he opens a large door reviling a large cave like room full of tecknology and peouple." Wow " James says whial over looking the room" we were hopeing that you would come with us on a mission" Tylose says as he leads them down some stairs" what is this mssion?" Jayda asks as they enter a room with a large table "were going to steal a wraith hive ship" Tylose says. Sarah's eyes then widen. "NOPE! NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO!" Sarah then walks out of the room and closes the door. "No! NO GOD PLEASE NO! NO! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" "Sarah listen." Sarah interups. "I AM NOT GOING ON A HIVE SHIP! AND NIETHER ARE CORA AND JAYDA! THIS IS YOUR FUNERAL!" If we help them and if we suceed we have an alie that can help us defend ourselves from cullings" Sarah sigh and says" fine but if we die im blameing you" James and Sarah enter the room and James sits down at the table and says "whats the plan" Tylose takes out a map of the planet and sets it on the table" the portal is rarely guarded so it should be easy for extra safety well go at night even if they detect us it will be nearly imposable to locate us once we get inside well use this as a destraction" Tylose then pulls out an NP3 player " what is that"James says as he trys to look curious Tylose continues" this is a device used for makeing music for entertainment on Earth. We have tested its effects on wraith and it seems to stun them no matter what the song. We are also going to brodcast the signal on all frequences and wial the Wraith are stuned we can take the ship so what do you have to say"" sounds like a plan" James says as he stands up" when do we get started" "whenever you are ready" Tylose says as he is siting down"lets do this" James says with a grin on his face. James, Cora, Sarah,and Jayda are led down a hallway and into a dark room as the Genii soldger turns on the lights they see a room full of Genii wepons"pick one out dont be shy" Tylose says as he enters the room "and when this is over you can keep them" "thanks" James says as he picks up a triple barle shotgun" I have been trying to find a way to make Wraith wepons kill with no sucess" perhaps when we take the Hive Ship we will be able to help you" Tylose says as he helps lode the Shotgun "lets just get this over with" Sarah says as she puts on a Genii pistol and exits the room" waiting at the Stargate Tylose and 10 other Genii face the Stargate waiting for them" lets do this" James says as he stands next to Tylose. Tylose then dials the Wraith planet" lets go" one of the Genii soldgers says as they run threw the Gate. Tylose, James, Sarah, Cora, and Jayda then stand sholder to sholder and with one step they all go thruw the Stargate and on to the Wraith planet. In the middle of the woods on the planet they are crouched wial runing towards the Hive Ship "watch your six" Tylose says as they run closer to the Hive Ship. James then looks at Tylose" I heard some peouple from Earth say that" Tylose says as he looks away from James " I belive it means watch your back" " and I belive that we should have silence as we go towards the enamy" James says as they reach a door to the Hive Ship. Tylose then cuts a control panle next to the door reveiling glowing organic cords" what are you doing" Sarah asks as Tylose moves the cords around" trying to open the door" Sarah then pulls out a Wraith pistol and fiars at the panle not shortly after the door opens "oh i'm sory were you finished" Cora says as she enters the Hive Ship. Tylose then puts away his knife and enters as behinde Jayda. Tylose then turns on the MP3 player and atatches it to a radio he then picks out a random song and plays it. As he plays the song a wraith shows up around the corner and before the wraith is able to fiar Tylose plays the song and the song that plays is ganum style. The Wraith then falls to the ground holding his ears"fitting battle music" Tylose says as he nods his head to the rythum" your friends will go to the feeding chambers and free as many peouple as you can Jamus and I will go to the brige the rest of you take as many wraith wepons you can get" Tylose says as he points everyone in a certan derection" lets get started" James says as he sets his shotgun on his sholder"come back alive" sarah says as they walk down a hallway. Halve way to the bridge Tylose and James are shooting every wraith they see. Sarah, Cora, and Jayda are trying to find their way to the feeding chambers" take a look at this"James says as he opens a door revel a Wraith telaporter "lets use it" as Tylose and James get in to the telaporter the wraith near the MP3 player starts cralling twards it. James and Tylose reach the bridge filled with Wraith"lets find out how to fly this thing"as Tylose says that the wraith grabs the MP3 player and smashes it on the ground and the song stops. Sarah Cora and Jayda open a door and when they do wraith are at the door with wepons pointed at them " oh crap" cora says as they get shot by the wraith. At the bridge Tylose is messing with the ship and James is looking around. As James is looking around the music turns off. All the Wraith get off of the floor and suround James and Tylose with wepons pointed at them. In a cell they are all together except for the Genii soldgers" now what?" Jayda asks as she sits down. Not shortly after a wraith guard shows up and opens the door and takes James and closes the door. At the bridge the wraith leave him alone then out of the shadows a Wraith Queen walks towards James and says"neel" and trying not to James neels.

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