One gained one lost

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On atlantis in a lab James has a wraith stuner and a wraith granade in frount of him. He then grabs the granade and opens it up"what are you doing?" Sarah says as she enters the room" im trying to modify this wraith stuner to kill" James says as he sets the two pices of the granade on both sides of the stuner"why dont you help us explore the city" Sarah says as she stands rite next to James "as soon as i have a sucessfull test" james says as he pulls out a blue cristal from the granade. James then incerts the blue cristal into the wraith stuner" so test number one" James says as he picks up the stuner. James then aims at a log and fiars the shot dose nothing. James then hears a small wering sound he then throws the stunner out a window and explodes. Cora and Jayda then run into the lab"what the hell was that?" Cora asks "test one of a leathal stuner" James says as he walks away from the window "now time for test two" James then says as he walks twards the lab table" i think thats enofe test for one day" Sarah says as she pulls James from the table" now come on and help us explore this city"Jayda says as she walks out into the quarador. James then folows and asks "you know theirs a map of the city right?" "Now you tell us" Sarah says . A few minunits after the conversation they reach the botom of the central tower of atlantis. "Allrite last room" Jose says as he opens the door" whats the point of exploring the city" Tony says as they enter the room" in case we find something usefull" James says as he turns on the lights. An when he dose he relises that their in the Z.P.M power room . James then walks towards the power terminal and he realises the Z.P.M's are dead. "Oh crap!" James says as the dead Z.P.M rise out of the power imput " what ?" Jayda asks "tuose are the power sorces for the city" James says as he picks up a Z.P.M " then how are the lights on ?" Tony asks "soalerpanles" James says as he sets the dead Z.P.M on a table" so we dont need those anyway" Jose says "you dont understand this city is not just a city it is an intersteller warship and without those powersorces we are scrued" james says " so were target practis for the wraith" sarah says " weare can we finde one of these things?" Jayda asks "i'll have to check the database"James says as he leaves the room
~~~~~Gate room~~~~~
James has a map of the galexy on a screen in front of him. Cora then walks in and sees James hoping from terminal to terminal "what are you doing?" Cora asks "im trying to narow down the search " james says as he looks up and down from the screen and the work station"any way i can help ?"cora asks as she looks over James sholder" if you know altaren then yes you can help"james says as he moves to another terminal " is that the name of the language ?" Cora says as she points at the screen "yes and yes i can read it " james says as he examins the screen " what dose it sound like?" Cora asks " like latin" james says Cora then lays her hand on the consal and a mat of altaren facilities show up on the screen " i dont know what you did but thanks" James says with a smile on his face " i'll go get them to see this" Cora says as she makes a beline for the stairs. Cora,Jayda Sarah,Tony and Jose are at the gate room looking at a map of the galexy" so why did you bring is here ?" Tony asks " i brought you all here so i could tell you that i have found 15 recherch facilities with the help of Cora i was able to figure out witch we should go to first" James says as he points at the map"so whos comeing with" Jayda asks "we need to keep two of you here to watch the gate" James says " so whos staying?" Sarah ask " first i need to know who wants to come. Everyone then raises their hand except Tony" ok now dose any one want to stay with Tony or i can chose who stays " James says" i stayed with tony the first time" Cora says "ill do it "Jayda says as she steps foward" allrite now thats setled grab your gear and lets get redy to go" James says. On the planet James,Sarah,Cora,Jayda,and Jose are walking thruw a forest twards the facility." Why dident we take a jumper

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