Sister and old friends

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As James looked around in confusement he desided to go to the Atlantis like place to look for help

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As James looked around in confusement he desided to go to the Atlantis like place to look for help. About half way to the Atlantis like place he found some dead bodys. Then he emeditly knew whear he was, in the stargate reality in the pegasus galaxy  "Are you kidding me?!" He said to himself. He found a Wraith wepon near the dead bodys and he finally knew that he was in Wraith tarritory so he imedatly picked up the wepon and ran to Atlantis.
When he got to atlantis he found a door with a panale. So he swiped his hand on the pannle and the door opened. When he was outside he saw a centrial spier. So he desided to go to the top of it to know his suroundings. About half way he rested on a wall. But it was not a wall it was a door. So he fell threw and a panal lit up then he realised it was a telaporter when he prested the centrial spier he was telaported to the top. When he got their he turned on everything and he knew that Atlantis was a ship so he checked the sencors and a he found five life signs outside of the atlantis and comeing twards the entrences and headed twards the closest entrence. With his wepon in hand he pointed it at the door when the door opened it was not a Wraith that he saw it was his Older sister Sarah and her two friends Cora and Jayda. James sighs in relief. "Sarah what are you doing here?" He says. "And hello to you too. We were just admiring Servamp yaoi until we came here out of nowhere." She said. "Waaaa! I want Lawlicht!" Jayda cries. Cora then hugs Jayda. "Your going to be ok Jay-chan." Cora says. Jayda then glares at Cora And kicks her shin. "Don't call me that you blonde!" Jayda yells. "This is going to be a loooooooong day." James says rubbing his temples.

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