The Adventure Begins

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"Ok listen, I dont care if you missed the fith season of Diabolik Lovers

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"Ok listen, I dont care if you missed the fith season of Diabolik Lovers." James starts. "Servamp! And it does'nt have a second season." Sarah says. "Whatever. But we have bigger fish to fry" James says." Like what?" Sarah says. Then James shows Sarah, Cora, and Jayda a portable lifesigns detector showing two lifesigns on the other side of Atlantis. "I don't know who or what they are. But if they are Wraith we have to fight for our lives. Now help me save us and get back home." James says "All right we'll help. But I have one question. What's a Wraith?" Cora asks as they walk threw the halls.

"They are aliens that can suck the life out of you with their hands." James says. "So are you going to give us wepons to defend ourselves?" Jayda asks. "When I kill some Wraith with some weapons." James says as they enter a telleporter. "They should be coming threw this door any second now." James says. A door opens and two shaddowy figuers appear James mouthes the words '3,2,1,now.' They go in to take them out and James gets his wepon taken from him and punched in the nose." Ok that could have gone better." James says as he grabs his nose in pain "Can someone tell me where I am?" The shadowy figure says pointing the wepon at James. " I know that voice." James says as he gets up off of the ground.

"Adam!" James says in amazement "James." Adam says as he reaches over to hug James. "How did you get here?" James asks as they let go of each other. " I was just siting down watching some youtube then this glow just surounded me and then poof hear I am." Adam says. " I found this life signs detector and it said that their was someone with you" James says "Oh yeah, its ok to come in!" Adam says.

Then a person comes in threw the open door. "Tony" James says. "James" Tony says as he reaches over to shake James hand. "Long time no see."James says as he shakes Tony's hand. "Same." Tony says as he lets go of his hand. "So what now?" Sarah says "Now we have to find a way to get back home." James says. "Great. And With Tony." Sarah says sarcasticly as she crosses her arms and glares at Tony.

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