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"We got in trouble.

BIG trouble.

I knew a stunt like that would get us into this situation. But it's not even my fault! All I did was sit there minding my own business when a certain someone thought it would be a good idea to kiss me. I wasn't expecting that.

I was an innocent bystander.

Because of this, our lovely leader said that J-hope and I should keep our skinship at a minimum and even said that we should stay a certain distance away from each other. He also said:

'Please no more sleeping together. You're so surprising at times that you'll defy science find a way to get Hoseok hyung pregnant.'

That's very offensive.

And I do not want to participate in any of those acts with Hobi. That's just wrong on so many levels. I can't ever picture that happening between us.

*long pause*

Although, he does- ahh what's going on with me??! This is Namjoon hyung's fault. His perverted mind has somehow rub off on me. I need cleansing and lots of it. I'm a pure child.

But that's some bull since he and Jin never hide the fact that they have an intimate relationships . At least they never hide it around us. Jin is always so loud. I thought he needed medical attention once. He sounded like he was dying.

And Jiminie and Kookie don't hide their relationship that well either. They're so obvious. I mean, come on. Who can't tell that they like each other? It's not fair how Hoseok and I are always scolded the most.

Oh, we also got scolded by our manager for being too careless. I don't understand how I got into more trouble than Hoseok did. He's the one who kissed me.

I bet it's because I'm younger.

That's ageism which means discriminating against another because of their age.

Hehe Namjoon hyung will be proud when he hears me use these kind of words"

"Hm, I guess I am"

"AH! I mean- what are you doing here? How long were you standing there"

"Long enough to know that you think we're being unfair"

"Well you are"

"I know. But as leader it's my job to make sure that everything is under control"

"Hn. That's not keeping anything under control. We could just sneak out"

"Yeah, I figured that you would do that"

"There's no way that I could stay away from Hobi..."

"I know"

"Namjoon, let the boy be. You can't just separate him from his lover"

"W-we're not lovers"

"I'm not going to separate them. I was going to say something before you interrupted us"

"Continue. Your secret is safe with me"

"Does anyone knock anymore?"

"Shh. What I was trying to say is that you and Hoseok don't need to keep your distance. It's wrong to refrain you guys from being together. Not only are you my band mate but you're like my younger brother and I don't want to be the one keeping you from being happy.

My one request is that you don't kiss on camera anymore though. Is it a deal?"

"Of course"
-V & JH

"Remind me to lock the door next time"

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