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A week later

Arianna was working the day that he had walked in, his attention solely on her. She had found it strange how he had not taken his eyes off of her ever since he had entered the cafe, but she couldn't do anything regardless, no matter how much she wanted to tell him to stop.

She scrubbed at the table relentlessly, the sticky residue on the surface of the wood had refused to come off no matter how hard Arianna tried to remove it.

She huffed in annoyance, blowing a stray hair out of her face. Why couldn't she have been born into a rich family? Life would be so much easier and she wouldn't have to work at the cafe to pay off her university loans.

She glanced back up at the peculiar man again, nearly jumping in shock to see him still staring at her. What was his problem? Arianna held her self back from going over and telling him to knock it off, she would rather keep her job.

"Arianna, can you serve table three?" one of her co-workers Tina said from behind her, handing her a pen and notebook. Arianna stood up straight and smiled, looking for table three. Her smile faltered when she saw who was sitting at table three.

Of course, she would have to serve him. I mean, if it were any other situation where the man was not staring at her consistently she would have loved the idea of serving him.

She sighed quietly, preparing herself for whatever creepy advances this guy might throw at her. The outfits the cafe made them wear done nothing to prevent the perverted stares from the men or should she say, hormonal teenage boys, that entered the cafe. Either way, she didn't like it.

Arianna made her way over to him, pulling the black dress down as much as she could. It wasn't like the outfit was revealing or provocative in any way or form, it was just the way males perceived and sexualised it that had made it seem so sultry. 

"Hello, sir, may I take your order?" Arianna asked as sweetly as she could. The man before her looked even better up close, she couldn't deny that, but his god-like features didn't give him a free pass to have a staring contest at her.

The man chuckled quietly, rubbing his forehead as he sat back in the chair. Arianna's eyes furrowed in confusion as she tried to understand what was wrong with him. The man looked back up at her, "Of all places I had to meet you, it turned out to be here," he said in disbelief.

Arianna's grip on the pen loosened ever so slightly, his voice was so masculine and husky that it had chills running down her spine. She cleared her throat, easily getting his attention, "Sir, would you like me to leave and let you decide what to order?"

She turned around to the counter behind her and grabbed a menu. She placed it on the table, her hand slightly brushing his. Arianna watched his face harden as he sucked in a breath of air.

Did she upset him?

He cleared his throat and looked up at her with a small smirk, but Arianna didn't miss how his hands were still clenched, the muscles under his tight fitting shirt were visibly tense.

Okay, it was definitely time for her to leave.

Before she could turn around to leave the man grabbed her wrist softly, the simple action made her jump slightly. She turned around with wide eyes, "Sorry, did you want me to take your order?" She said breathlessly, trying to calm her racing heart. 

A look of confusion crossed the man's features, "You don't know who I am?"

Arianna looked down at him with the same look of confusion on her face, "Should I?"

She watched the man's lips thin as he closed his eyes, "This can't be happening."

"I'm sorry if I offended you, sir, it wasn't my intention to do so..." Arianna trailed off, biting her lip as she looked around the cafe. She was unsure of what to do in situations such as these, she had only got the job two days ago. 

The man suddenly got up, looking at her for a couple of seconds before fishing in his pocket and handing her a hundred dollar bill.

Arianna's eyes widened in shock as she looked down at the money. "That's your tip," the man said before hesitantly leaving. She watched him with wide eyes as he walked out the door, not looking back.

"What the..." she whispered, looking down at the money in disbelief. Did that really just happen?

I mean, she wasn't complaining, quite frankly Arianna was already thinking about the amount of food she could buy with the money, but she couldn't comprehend what had just happened. Or why it had happened.

Was he a sugar daddy dropping her hints? I mean, he was too hot and young to be a sugar daddy but it could be possible with how weird he was. 

What kind of normal person just gives a hundred dollar bill to a waitress? He didn't even buy anything!

Arianna made her way back to the counter, placing the pen and notebook down. She looked at the clock, sighing in relief. Just ten more minutes to go and her shift would be done.

 She thought about getting back to the dorm and getting in her pyjamas and watching a movie as she ignored comments of disapproval from her insufferable roommate.

Her thoughts were so naive and innocent, she had truly believed that she could just go and ignore what had just happened.

If only she knew what was to come...


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