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Cupcake? He was joking, right? Of all nicknames he could choose, he chose that one? The man watched as Arianna scrunched her nose up in disgust the way she usually did when she cringed, as she avoided all eye contact with him. His fingers twitched in his pocket, longing to grasp her by the chin so he could see her beautiful eyes. But that was seen as creepy, according to this century anyway...

"I'm sorry, but Majesty? Why did she call you Majesty?" Arianna questioned, curiously, as she looked back and forth between the strange man and the girl, twiddling the pen in her hand anxiously. His lips lifted into a smirk as he leaned closer to her. He watched as her chest began to rise and fall much more faster in nervousness, her eyes slightly widened in alarm as he intruded her personal bubble.

"If I told you, you would think I'm crazy, my dear," he whispered softly into her ear before backing up and leaving the cafe.

I already think you are, Arianna thought to herself as she stared at the other girl in bewilderment. The girl softly smiled at her, as if she knew something that Arianna didn't, "You've always remained grounded and humble even after each reincarnation, thank you for your help, my queen." The girl bowed her head at Arianna and then sat back down to her breakfast.

Queen? Queen? Okay, so she was definitely going crazy. She swallowed the hard lump of anxiety in her throat before returning back to the counter, placing her notepad and pen down. "It's about time you clocked off, don't you have class in an hour?" Sarah, her other co-worked said, as if she was oblivious to everything that had just happened.

She ripped her apron off and made her way out the back door, speedily walking back to her campus. His words resonated in her head. Repeating over and over like a record player on loop. His sultry, english accent only added to his appeal. She shook her head in an attempt to rid herself of her thoughts, but she couldn't deny how good she felt when he was close to her, his breath on her neck made her think unthinkable things.

Arianna finally arrived at campus and in no time she was at her door. Using her key card she swiftly opened her door, scowling when she mad eye contact with Looney. The girl who sat on the bed returned her expression with the same ferocity, " Something crawled up your granny knickers this morning."

Arianna whipped her head around to her after grabbing clean clothes to wear today, "Looney I honestly did not put myself in debt just to listen to your snarky comments," she snapped, "it took a lot of money and a deal with the fucking devil to get myself here so I don't need to listen to your shit."

The girl snorted in amusement, "Oh, how ironic."

Ironic? How did that even make sense? Nothing was ironic about this situation? Arianna decided to ignore her stupid comment and hastily grabbed her stuff, retreating to their small bathroom.

"Shouldn't you be at class?" Arianna remarked as she attempted to pull her skinny jeans up. She had to jump in order to squeeze herself into them but eventually she was able to button. "I don't need to go to class to pass," Looney replied monotonously as Arianna walked back into the room. At this statement, she let out a chuckle, "Your knees must be very sore," She retorted, earning a glare from Looney.

"I'd watch that mouth if I was you, regardless of who you are in my world."

Arianna frowned at her, okay so now Looney was crazy too? She ignored the unsettling feeling in the pit of her stomach and rushed out of the room in an attempt to make it early to class. However, just before she began to climb the steps to her lecture room, she ran into something, or rather someone.

Her head banged against the tiled floor and she let out a soft groan as she felt a burning sensation grace her forehead. "Anna? Are you okay?" a familiar voice said worriedly as they grasped her shoulder. She sat up slowly, grasping her head, "Felix?"

"I'm so sorry, I seem to just keep running into you don't I?" he joked in an attempt to shed light on the situation. Arianna laughed softly, watching as Felix got up and offered her his hand. She placed her hand in his as he gently pulled her up to a standing position, before reaching down to pick up her scattered pages. "You know, I think I'm starting to get a higher pain tolerance thanks to you," she smirked, watching as he scratched the back of his neck in embarrassment. She slapped his arm, "I was joking, Felix."

"You know, I was actually looking around for you," he said quietly, "I was wondering if maybe you would want to go out sometime?"

"Like a date?"

"Yes...but it's fine if you don't want to!" He added hurriedly.

"Sure, why not?" Arianna smiled, before taking out her phone and offering her number to him. He began to type it into his, but he suddenly stopped, his hands beginning to shake.

"You're bleeding." He looked up at her and watched as she brought her hand down from her forehead which was now covered in blood, a small but deep gash graced upon her forehead.

"Oh, it's nothing," she chided, but Felix had a more tense expression, and his eyes seemed to turn an unusually darker shade. "Felix?"

"You need stitches," he said, refusing to look at her wound. Arianna watched as his hands were clenched tightly at his sides as if he was trying to control himself. But from what? "Sorry, are you scared of blood?" she questioned as she put pressure on the deep cut.
"Something like that. I'm sorry I really have to go."

Arianna watched as he strode off hastily, "Bye, I guess."

She looked down at her watch, seeing that she was already late for her class. She decided to skip it this one time and headed out into the campus square, quickly dialing a taxi so that she could get her head stitched up.

That's all that she needed right now - stupid hospital bills.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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