Chapter 1

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"WHY ARE YOU SO WORTHLESS?!" My mother shouts at me for the millionth time before she slaps me across the face. 'Don't cry Lyric, you're better than that' I think to myself. Oh yeah, by the way, my name is Lyric Dillon, my older brother Ricky left my family 2 years ago to move across the country to California. We were best friends, yet we haven't talked since he left us. Enough of that sob story. I have bright blue eyes and I dyed my hair light purple hehe. I was born on July 17, 1996. I live in Alabama, my parents beat me and blame me for Ricky leaving us. I'm a cutter. It's my addiction. I've had severe depression since i was 13. I didn't start cutting until I was 15. I'm getting sick of being hated and abused so I think it's time to run away. I grab a couple pairs of jeans and a couple t shirts and stuff them into my backpack. Before I leave I run to the bathroom and search for my blade, once I find it I make 12 weak cuts on my wrist. I grab my hoodie and slip it on to cover my open wounds after I clean it up and bandage them. I slip my blade into one of the secret pockets of my backpack. I look under my bed for the box of money I've been keeping from my parents for the past 10 years from birthdays and such. I count $5,769. Perfect. That's enough for a plane ticket there plus some. I slip on my favorite pair of green converse and step out of the doorway. I check my phone noticing it was 4:37 in the morning. I quietly dial Ricky's number and after 4 rings he picks up, "hello?" he says like he just woke up. "Hey Ricky. It's Lyric, I need somewhere to go, can I fly out to Cali tonight? I'll explain when I get there" I say rushed ,"ummm..... Sure? I guess, when should you be here?" He questions "Um... Pick me up at the airport at noon?" I say. "Sounds good. See ya baby sis" he says excitedly "see ya Ricky-boo" I giggle using my old nickname for him. The airport is only about a 30 minute walk from here so I start running before my mom wakes up and kills me. "I need to get a 1-way ticket to California please" I tell the lady once I arrive, I quickly pay her and notice I have an hour. I stop at Starbucks and get a vanilla bean frap. On my way to the gate which is all the way across the airport, "FLIGHT 117 TO CALIFORNIA IS NOW BOARDING" I hear and walk up to the gate, show them my ticket and I board the plane. I search for my seat and notice I'm next to 2 girls. They look around my age. Hi I'm Jenn and this is Andrea" she smiled at me, "I'm Lyric" I say genuinely smiling.

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