Chapter 7 //

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I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THE WAIT FOR THIS CHAPTER IT WAS WAY LONGER THAN THE LAST ONE. I haven’t been in a good headspace lately and haven’t been doing anything with my time, never mind writing. BUT I have two weeks off college now so hopefully (no promises) I’ll get chapters written and updated. I also want to apologise for this chapter, it’s awful but it’s the best I can do for now, but I will continue writing more chapters RIGHT NOW. Sorry again, thank you all for the support!!

*Matty’s POV*

After a few hours of texting Lola I decided it would be best if I told her goodnight as we both have college tomorrow and I don’t to look like a zombie. After doing so and telling her to have a good night in the process I got ready for bed and put a film on. A bit of quiet time to myself after George visiting is what I needed. I saw him looking at her. He looked at her the way I looked at her. I’m positive George wouldn’t betray me like that so I’m not going to say anything but I’m wary now. I can’t lose Lola; she means so much to me after such little time. With these thoughts running around my head I focused my attention to the opening credits of the film, Pulp Fiction. It wasn’t long before I felt myself falling into a deep sleep.

*Lola’s POV*

I felt myself stirring and the next moment my eyes fluttered open. The scene before me made me laugh a lot. Rebecca had her bottom half on the couch and her top half hanging off the couch with her face against the floor. I quickly took a picture before noticing it was only 5am. Well I had to be up soon anyway so there was no use in trying to sleep again. I got up and silently walked to the kitchen and made a cup of tea. While doing so I heard footsteps behind me, I turned around and Becca was stumbling into the kitchen while pushing her hair out of her face. Honestly, she’s so clumsy. I laughed and gave her the cup of tea I had just made and started making a new one for myself. She took it with a smile and sat on the counter next to me. “So” she said and took a sip, “will I get to meet Loverboy today” she asked with a wink. I shook my head with a laugh. “If you want to” I simply stated. If she wants to meet him all she has to do is come to my class with me for a few minutes. “Oh, I want to. I want to meet the fellow who puts the biggest smile on my best friends face” she said while nudging my hip with her leg. I just ignored her and finished the cup of tea. “Well it’s just gone 5:15am” I said “I’m gunna have a shower, feel free to have one after me” I said as I sauntered off to my bedroom to collect my slippers. Once I had done that I turned on the shower and got two towels out from under my sink. I brushed my hair and quickly undressed, stepping under the hot spray of the shower. I needed a relaxing shower; I’m stressed out about today. How should I act? What should I say? How will he act? I’m starting to regret not talking to him about this sooner.

I quickly fell into my daily shower routine and finished within 15 minutes. Stepping out I wrapped a towel around my body and around my hair. I gathered Matty’s jumper in my arms and slipped my slippers on, opened the door and went to the living room. “Shower’s free” I said and Becca got straight up and ran past me “THANKS BABY” she said and I laughed. Why am I friends with this girl. Time to get ready. I thought to myself suppressing an internal groan. I’m far too tired for today. It looked quiet cold out to I quickly dried my hair and left it in its natural waves then did my usual make up. After that was done it was 6:15am so I decided it was time to have some breakfast. When I walked into the living room Becca was just doing her makeup. I made us both some toast and put her plate down in front of her. “You’re a gem” she said and took a bite. I sat down on the couch and began slowly chewing my toast, my mind wandering to god knows where. My phone ringing snapped me out of my trance so I quickly walked to the other room to see Matty was calling. My stomach did the thing. The thing. I took a deep breath and answered the phone with a cheery “Morning” to hear him reply in the exact same way. “Did you sleep well love?” he asked. He still had sleep in his voice and I got goose bumps, morning voices are the best. “I slept alright how about you?” I asked. “Good actually. I was just calling to tell you not to worry about today, how to act and everything. Just roll with it, okay?” I thought about it for about a minute until Matty asked if I was still there. “Yeah sorry I spaced out there. Yeah that’s fine, I am a bit worried.” I said with a laugh. “I completely understand love, anyway I have to go, don’t think too much, see you later.” He said happily. “Bye Matty” I said and we hung up. I had an hour until we needed to leave for college, plenty of time. I walked back out into the living room and jumped onto the couch, landing with a loud thud. I lay there for half an hour before Becca picked me up and carried me to my room. She ordered me to get dressed, of course I obeyed. I quickly threw on an Aztec crop top, some black tights, velvet skirt overalls and my black docs. I sprayed some perfume on and added a bit more lip colour; gather my leather jacket, phone, keys, money and guitar case and walking out of my room to the front door. I put my phone, keys and money in the front pouch of my guitar case and put my jacket on. Becca was doing the same and we set off to college.

On the way we stopped at starbucks. I got an herbal tea to go and Becca got a coffee, I couldn’t function in the morning without my herbal tea, it has to be done. When we left the coffee shop it was only a short walk to the bus stop so we started slowly walking and chatting about nonsense, as per usual. The bus pulled up shortly after we arrived and we began the busy half an hour bus journey to college which consisted of nothing but looking out of the window.

Once we reached the college me and Becca went our separate ways, me in the lift, and her through the double doors. I stepped into the lift and pressed the ‘2’ button and patiently waited to reach my floor. The doors opened and I stepped out. I suddenly became very nervous about seeing Matty again. What if I accidentally give us away? Stop panicking Lola, stop panicking. After a few deep breathes I walked around the corner towards the classroom. As usual everyone was sitting outside so the door must be locked. I joined them and sat down myself, leaning my guitar case on the wall next to me. No one in the group had really talked yet, which is awkward but I like keeping to myself anyway. The next 15 minutes until 8:30 were spent in silence with the occasional cough or shuffle. It hit 8:30 on the dot when Matty rounded the corner and my heart sped up. I looked away briefly and then turned my attention back to him. He looked down at me and smiled his unique smile. Here we go.


It reached lunch time quicker than usual; the lesson seemed to go by in a flash. It as honestly one of the worst 3 hours of my life. Why? Matty hadn’t spoken a single word to me or even in my direction. If this is how he wants to deal with things then fine. He can fake ignore me, but I’ll ignore him for real. Trust me I’m a very stubborn person. This may seem childish but sorry, he said nothing about ignorance. I felt anger rise up within me, the same anger I felt at the end of the lesson when I decided to storm past him and out the door when dismissed, which made me speed walk to where I am now. A bench on the high street blasting my music with what I’m guessing is a very unpleasant look on my face. My music faded out and my phone started vibrating. He was calling me. Am I overreacting? I shook my thoughts and ignored the call. Two can play at this game. I decided to take the rest of the day off college, it was only an hour tutorial I was missing, and I’ll just catch up next week. 

// just girls breaking hearts // - a Matthew Healy Fanfiction (The 1975)Where stories live. Discover now