Plane ride to China

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Third Person's POV

Marinette woke up early she took a shower and got dressed, did her hair, and light make  up.

Marinette woke up early she took a shower and got dressed, did her hair, and light make  up

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She then had a little heart shaped pink purse for Tikki. She put on her locket and by the time she was done Alya was just waking up to the alarm . Marinette realized she woke up before the alarm did. When Alya noticed her awake ad dressed she started freaking out.

Alya; oh no we're going to be late  gurl why didn't you wake me

Marinette: Alya chill i woke up before the alarm you're fine now go get ready

Alya just sat on the bed jaw dropped. She couldn't believe it Marinette the Marinette Dupain-cheng woke up before the alarm. She  then  got over it and went to get ready soon Alya came out all dressed. 

Then they both went downstairs and ate breakfast

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Then they both went downstairs and ate breakfast.  Then got their bags and said by t o Sabine and Tom.  They'll be there soon in China as well. They walked to school because they had two suit cases each and they both roll. Also that the school is literally down the street .They got there about 9:45 a.m ( when i put 9:45 it was actually 9:45 a.m in real life) . Most of the class was there Chloe and Lila still weren't here. Nino and Adrien spotted them and came up to them. They all greeted each other and smiling even Adrien. You would think after being rejected he'll be upset. He was a little but not much . He still has Marinette to be honest he'd much rather have Marinette he couldn't lie he loved her more. He just wanted to make sure ladybug hadn't fell to hard for him. He was staring at Marinette her smile almost killing him. She then locked eyes with him and they both went red in the face. Their best friends laughed at them knowing about their friends crush on the other.  That cute little moment was ruined by a certain blonde and liar. When they both went up to Adrien blocking Marinette.  Marinette rolled her eyes and cleared her throat . Chloe and Lila then turned around and looked at her disgusted even tho they thought she was beautiful they weren't going to admit it she's competition.

Chloe: what Maritrash

Marinette: um well you kinda like rudely stepped in front of me that's what

Lila: does it look like we care Maribrat

Marinette: no and does it look like i care if you care if you didn't know i don't so move or say excuse me

Chloe: as if i would say excuse me to you

Marinette: well don't you have any manners

Chloe: of course

Marinette: so

Chloe: you know what i don't  have to listen to you Mari trash I'm leaving

Chloe then walked away and Lila stayed Mari looked at her all innocent like expecting a excuse me from her . Lila then just walked away and they all laughed. Then it was 10 and they  all got on the bus to go to the airport.  They had to have a partner so she read off a list.

Ms.B: ok partners are Ivan × Mylene , Rose × Juleka,  Kim × Alix, Max × Sabrina,  Chloe alone your dad requested it, Lila × Nathaniel,  Alya × Nino, Adrien × Marinette  so plz sit by your partner and this your partner for the whole trip and rooms

Everyone  got on the bus and sat witj their partner.  Adrien and Mari sat in the back Alya and Nino sitting opposite of them.

Adrien: well what do you want to talk about

Marinette: idk we know each other pretty well

Adrien: well i can't believe my father agreed and i don't even have any photo shoots

Marinette: that's great

Adrien; i know so you design any new things lately

Marinette; a couple

Adrien: nice so what are you looking foward to in going to China

Marinette: i can't wait to see my family again on my Mom's side of course and maybe going on the great wall of China for a walk well more like hike

Adrien: cool I didn't know you had family in China

Marinette: yeah

Marinette and Adrien continued to have friendly conversation the whole way. When they got to the airport. They were handed their tickets.  Ms.B already knows about Marinette she was informed by the Queen herself.  So then after everyone got their ticket. You heard a scream.


Ms.B: because you are we all are except  Adrien,  Nino, Alya, and Marinette

Chloe: how can Maritrash afford first class

Marinette: cuz I can come on guys they just called for first class of our flight

The four then walked off to first class. Adrien's dad got him and Nino first class . They went into the room and it was amazing.  There were beds,  games  , snacks everything.  They immediately went towards the games.  Adrien and Mari playing Mega Strike lll . Alya and Nino playing Super Mario 3D world . After Mari beating Adrien several times and Alya and Nino failing to pass levels they decided to play just dancing.  Turns out Marinette is a boss at it because she beat everyone.  That made Adrien even more into her. After that they decided to take a nap for a little bit. 

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