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Adrien's POV

( day after the coronation)

I was walking to Bridgette and Felix office to discuss something. Marinette was with the girls while Nino and Nathaniel were playing video games. He knocked on the door and heard a come in. He stepped in and sat down.

Adrien: good afternoon Bridgette and Felix

Bridgette: good afternoon

Felix: afternoon

Adrien: so what was it you wanted to discuss

Felix: well Marinette is Queen and needs a King to rule beside her

This made me nervous do want me to break up with her for she can marry some random prince . That she doesn't even love.

Adrien: Ok

Bridgette: we were hoping if you're willing to marry her considering your age and you just got together

Adrien: no not at all i would love to i love her with everything i am

Felix: well what are we waiting for we need a engagement ring right away

Bridgette: follow us

I then followed them somewhere. Then there was this room filled with more jewels then you can imagine.

Felix: pick a ring any ring

I looked around and none of them seemed until I laid my eyes on the perfect one . Almost as stunning and perfect as she was. I grabbed it and showed them they approved.

Bridgette: it's perfect she'll love it this is so exciting

Bridgette then started squealing while me and Felix chuckled. Then we made a plan for where and when it's  going to happen. Tomorrow on the great wall of China at sunset with the class and everyone. It was going to be perfect i couldn't wait.

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