Chapter 5

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Jake PoV
'Jakey baby I miss you!'

'Errm... ok.'

'I know you miss me too.'

'Well I don't...'

'You do I'll be over in 10.'

'Alissa! Stay away'

32 minutes later Erika came into my room looking slightly pissed and just stood in the door way.

"Babe what's up?"

"Wrong question"

"What's down?" I asked sarcastically.

"Alissa, Alissa Violet who you promised you had zero feelings for is now here in our house. You lied to me."

"I didn't I promise."

"Didn't anyone ever tell you, don't make promises you can't keep. I trusted you and you stab me in the back goodbye Jake have fun with your summer fling..." She ran into her room and locked the door I heard banging then she ran out with her Louis Vuitton  suitcase. I started to run after her but the team ten members stood infront of the door blocking my way. When she got into the taxi they all moved and Alissa glared at me with her old seductive smile that no longer works.

"Jakey thank god you kicked her out now we can be together again."

"If you haven't noticed I didn't kick her out you drove her away as you did me. Now leave!"

"You don't mean that"

"LEAVE ALISSA YOU HAVE JUST WRECKED NOT ONLY MY LIFE BUT ERIKA'S TOO I WILL NEVER FORGIVE YOU FOR THIS!" Logan came running up behind me and grabbed me back as I started to cry for the first time in front of team 10.

"Brother, Jakey it's a prank look." Logan said pointing to Erika who is stood in the door way. She ran up to me and pulled me into a hug.

"Jake I'm not leaving"

"Erika?" I stood up and wrapped my arms around her. "You do that again and I'll... I'll"

"You'll do what Jake?"

"This.." I picked her up and walked towards the pool.

"JAKE PUT ME DOWN!!" She screamed and kicked me in the stomach causing me to fall in with her in my arms. Everyone started shouting drawing Erika and my attention towards the team 10 house. Alissa stood trying to get towards the back yard.

"Let me see him!!" (Alissa)

"No Alissa you've done to much." (Anthony)

"Yh leave now" (Tessa) I got up out the pool and put a towel over Erika then walked in to the drama with her following closely behind.

"Alissa what do you want to talk about?"

"Alone, I want to talk alone to you."

"Fine." I walked into the garage with Alissa and the gang gazing after us. "Alissa what do you want to talk about and you better make it fast because if you can't tell I'm a vlogger"

"Are we cool?"

"I guess, whatever"

"Good" she placed her lips on mine the second Erika entered the room.

"Jake you need to... What the hell!!!" I pushed her off me and ran out the garage to see team 10 surrounding Erika.

"Babe come on you can believe I would do something like that."

"Baby, Jakey come back we were having so much fun."

"Alissa LEAVE!!!" I yelled pointing to the door. "This was the last straw if you think I was angry when I walked in on you and him then you might wanna leave because I am furious!!! GET OUT NOW!!" Erika looked at me in utter shock. Everyone in the room looked like I had just killed someone and Alissa? Alissa was speechless like everyone else then she burst into tears and I know why.


"ALISSA WHAT THE HELL!! WHY ARE YOU IN BED WITH HIM OF ALL PEOPLE... DON'T ANSWER THAT I DON'T WANNA HEAR ANYTHING YOU HAVE TO SAY! GOD I HATE YOU JUST GET OUT OF MY HOUSE AND MY BED!!" Alissa and him of all people in my bed she didn't even try to defend her actions, she just grabbed her bags and as she went to leave I lost it I couldn't control myself I threw a knife at the wall it was only about an inch from hitting her right in the head. I missed on purpose, I hope I did anyway. It was the most angry she had ever seen me, everyone came out of their rooms to see Alissa completely frozen with the knife still in the same place as I had threw it hard enough so the Handle almost touches the wall. "DON'T YOU EVER COME BACK! YOU... YOU SLUT!!"


"Jake step away from Alissa" Tessa said almost crying herself.

"Go away Tessa this has nothing to do with you."

"Jack please I don't know what's going on but everyone seems pretty freaked out and personally I'm confused to why you can never just take responsibility for your actions. But please calm down."


"Jake, you threw a knife at her.Did I marry a maniac? I can't deal with this..."



"Alissa what did you do?" Everyone said in unison with completely shook.


"Spit it out Alissa!" I urged.

"I slept with..."

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