21│ s a v e

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21│ s a v e

There's a void that ripples through the oceans of your eyes whenever we meet at our crossroad,

 and it opens up the oblivion that runs through my crimson blood whenever you're image flashes into my mind.

But I can't be the person you want me to be, and you can't be the oxygen that I breath everyday. I'm trying to save you from yourself, and the darkness you let yourself wilt in, love.

 I was just the moon hovering over you within the black, but you needed more light than the shadows I enveloped over you.

You needed a sun to brighten your colors, while I hid them from the world.

But somehow by saving you I'm killing myself

slowly suffocating from the 

throbbing in my 


_______♠ ❀ ♠_______  

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