Nuffles vs Egghead

530 24 11

August 9, 2017
People in chat:

Dr. Eggman

Knuckles: ughhhhhh why am I stuck here with EGGHEAD?!

Dr. Eggman: I take offense to Egghead, Nurples. Not everyone can have luxurious locks like my shape shifting robot from another dimension, Steve.

Knuckles: Sorry, Eggbreath.

Dr. Eggman: not any better, Niggles.

Knuckles: that just looks like nipples!! embarrassing...

Dr. Eggman: thanks for the idea, Nipples! 😁

Knuckles: 😐 me and my BIG mouth. 😑

Dr. Eggman: and Nuffles, the Master Emerald is mine. And so is Herman.

Knuckles: who the f*ck is Herman?

Dr. Eggman: don't you remember this guy?

Knuckles: doesn't ring a bell, Eggbrains

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Knuckles: doesn't ring a bell, Eggbrains.

Dr. Eggman: Nuggets, you're a dumbass.

Knuckles: and so are you Eggstain. 😄

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