Two Word Story

298 15 9

Amy: once upon

Sonic: a time

Tails: there lived

Cream: a beautiful

Shadow: yet ugly

Blaze: royal princess

Rouge: hedgehog named

Knuckles: Silver!

Silver: HEY!

Sonic: she was

Amy: so beautiful

Shadow: yet ugly

Rouge: that she

Tails: scared everyone

Cream: from a

Knuckles: mile away!

Silver: oh come on!

Amy: her hair

Tails: was always

Sonic: so pointy

Rouge: that it

Shadow: poked everyone

Blaze: she hugged. (-_-)

Silver: sorry Blaze.

Amy: she never

Sonic: takes showers

Cream: so she

Rouge: always smells

Blaze: bad like

Shadow: Knuckles.

Silver: wow.

Knuckles: gee thanks (-_-)"

Amy: her friends

Sonic: are so

Blaze: much better

Rouge: than her

Shadow: especially Shadow

Silver: the dipwad!

Shadow: -_-

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful yet ugly hedgehog princess named Silver. She was so beautiful yet so ugly that she scared everyone from a mile away! Her hair was so pointy that it poked everyone she hugged. She never takes showers so she always smells bad like Knuckles. Her friends are so much better than her especially Shadow the dipwad!

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