Chapter 19

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/changsub talking about friendship between opposite genders/

"when a man and a woman are friends, there's an unspoken rule that you abide by. however, it is very possible that you both lose sight of that rule and become fond of one another."

"and when you break that rule of just staying as friends?" eunkwang asked.

"that's when you become lovers! when you lose control of your feelings, that's when your friendship becomes invalid."

september, 25 2016 | trans by. b2pmgg


Chapter 19 | Seesaw

Seesaw /si:so/
(n.) A seesaw is a long, narrow board supported by a single pivot point, most commonly located at the midpoint between both ends; as one end goes up, the other goes down.


Chorong's POV

"Do you like me? I mean, are you interested in me? Do you see me that way?"

He swallowed hard and chuckled awkwardly. "Why suddenly..."

"Can't you answer me?" I asked softly.

At first, he just noddedㅡand then after a few moments, he said, "I like you," and my heart could have jumped in joy but then he added, "But I'm so afraid, to be honest with you."

"What are you afraid of? To fall in love?"

He nodded again. "It's justㅡI like you so much in my life. I'm just afraid that if we cross the line, I could possibly lose you. I don't want to feel that pain again. I'm just... I..."

I nodded, cutting him off when he seemed to be struggling to find the right words. "I understand," I said, "And I feel the same. Afraid. Not ready." I smiled faintly at him. "I could have asked you this though, am I not worth a shot? Aren't we worth it? But with everything that's going on in my life, Changsub, you are one of the only few things that is good. I don't want to lose you either over some 'couplish' fight. I want to confide to you. I want to hang out with you. I want to make music with you, but if we're both not completely ready to step over these boundaries that we have? I don't think we should just yet."

"Am I... getting rejected?"

I chuckled, then I reached for his hand and I watched as they entwined with each other as if it was the most natural thing in the world. "No, I'm saying, I'll wait until you're completely ready. Will you wait for me too?"

And the way he was looking at me under the stars, the moon and the city lights illuminating everything around us, I suddenly felt like I didn't want to wait. I want to cross over the food laid down between us and kiss him, and make it as memorable as our first oneㅡbut when he smiled at me so warmly and lovely, and he spoke the words, "Of course, I'll wait for you," so softly, I knew that I have made the right choice.

We can waitㅡwhen the time is right.
Until then, we'll explore life on our own while trying to find our places to be, and who knowsㅡmaybe it's really in each other's arms we're meant to be?

I smiled back at him, and for the first time, falling in love felt like millions of possibilities opening up in front of me.


Changsub's POV


Seriously, how am I supposed to fall asleep after finding out that the girl I like actually feels the same way, but we're not even really dating?

Searching For The Light: BTOB Changsub x APINK Chorong ✔Where stories live. Discover now