The Neighborhood.

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I pulled into my new driveway and my moving truck came. Perfect timing. I jumped out my car and opened the back. I grabbed three boxes and got to the steps of my house. I climbed the first step and fell back spilling the boxes all over. I waited for the impact of the fall when I was caught. I immediately got up and looked straight at.. Him. "Hi! You must.." His voice drained and sounded like I was underwater. I was hypnotized by his beautiful baby blue eyes. "Hello?" He said. I woke up from my stare. "Oh I'm SO SORRY.. I'm Y/N!" I said shaking his hand and grabbing the boxes. He grabbed one and helped me bring it inside. "You didn't need to help I-" I was cut off by his sweet voice. "No no I insist I help" He said smiling. I smiled back and went back to the moving truck. "Whose this cutie?~" I heard a voice say coming kind of too close. I whipped around seeing a white-haired man standing only inches away from me. "Uhm hi?" I said. "Travis leave Y/N alone." The brown haired guy, I think his name is Laurance? Said. "Y/N? Nice name sweetheart." He said his face inching closer to mine. I took no chances and slapped him in the face. He fell to the ground gripping his cheek. "Wow, she's stronger then Katelyn." I laughed at him Laurance joining me. We grabbed a few more boxes and walked toward the house.

~Time skip brought to you by Connor Murphy~

Laurance and I were sitting on the couch talking when I noticed something. Highschool.. "Highschool!" I said jumping up. "I knew you looked familiar!" I said giving him a big hug. He just gave me a confused look. I grabbed a box that said Photos and grabbed a picture. It showed my best friends and I, Laurance, Vylad, Garroth, me, and Garroth and Vylad's brother, Zane. His eyes lit up and hugged me. I can tell he was about to kiss me when the doorbell rang. Laurance and I sprung to the door.


Those Baby Blue Eyes.. (A LauranceXReader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now