31 - Open Your Eyes

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A/N: For the people who read this book already, I'm sorry, but I'm ending it. This will be the last chapter, since I don't like writing the second arc anymore. I'll just save the first one, because that was the most interesting part. I hope you will understand. With that said, enjoy the last chapter.

PS: If you didn't read the second arc, forget what I said.

''The writing means, a blonde villian isn't always evil, sometimes they do evil things because they made the wrong choice once. So, I'll give you another chance. Live a life that is worthy, my boy.'' Tsunade smiled and let him out.

Naruto got greeted by Sasuke and Sakura. The blonde smiled awkwardly and waved back, walking past them. He knew what he was going to do.

Naruto ran through Konoha, to find a book he wanted ever since he was a kid. He didn't know he had the Kyuubi in him back then, but he was obsessed with Tailed Beasts. He got into the book shop and bought a book about the Kyuubi. The blonde was reading the book as fast as he could, until he found a page about the extraction.

''When the Kyuubi is extracted, the Jinchuriki will die. But he can also sacrifice himself for his Jinchuriki, to not let him die. If he does, he will be a chibi version of his real form for the rest of his life. You can find him in the forest of Death, he likes to hide there.'' He read.

Naruto smirked, closed the book and ran to the forest of Death. He sighed and got through the gate. ''Kurama?'' He yelled, looked around.

Suddenly, Sasuke appeared next to him. Naruto didn't bother looking at him, he was desperate to find his fox. He knew the raven was going to bug him, so he just ran away from him. He looked behind every tree, under every bush, Kurama was nowhere to be found. The Uchiha was watching him the whole time.

Naruto sighed after a while and stopped running. ''Just tell me what you want already...'' The blonde mumbled. Sasuke slowly nodded his head.

''Your fox isn't here.'' He simply said. Naruto clenched his fists and slowly turned his head to Sasuke, with an annoyed but serious look on his face.

''Thanks for the info, captain obvious.'' He said, was about to go away.

''No. What I mean, is that he's not in the forest of Death. Go to your parents' house, he's there. Hinata has found him earlier today, when she was training with Tenten.'' He said and body flickered away.

Naruto closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Now he first had to go ask Tsunade where his parents' house was. He ran to the Hokage office and opened the door without knocking. ''Tsunade, where is my parents' house?'' He asked, without saying hello.

''It's near the Hokage mountian. Go to the west and then you'll see a white house with red flowers on it. I'll give you the key.'' She answered calmly, threw the key from the house at him.

Naruto nodded and followed her directions. Indeed, there was a beautiful white house with red flowers climbing their ways on it. It was in the middle of a forest and the sun shined on it. Naruto grinned and unlocked the door.

It was a beautiful house. The furniture was still standing on the place before the Kyuubi attack, but with a layer of dust. Naruto smiled at a picture of his mom and dad when they got married. They looked very happy. The blonde walked to his going-to-be bedroom, and when he opened the door, he saw a blue haired girl and an orange fox.

''Oh! Naruto!'' The girl said, when she turned around. She had a smile on her face.

''Hey Hinata. Long time no see. So, how is Kurama?'' He asked, walking to his bed and petting Kurama.

''He's okay, except for that he is in chibi form. I'll leave you two alone, he's going to awake soon.'' She said goodbye and walked away.

When she closed the door, Kurama woke up. Naruto hugged him. ''Hey kit.'' He said, and was surprised at his own voice. It wasn't so low anymore.

''Hey Kurama...'' Naruto said.

''I'm a Kono ninja again. Will you accompany me on my future adventures?'' Naruto asked.

''You know it.'' The fox answered while smirking. That moment, the door opened.

Sakura came in. ''Naruto, we have a new mission.'' She said.

Naruto stood up and nodded his head, Kurama following. When the blonde was about to go down the stairs, Sakura hugged him.

''Don't leave us ever again, baka...'' She whispered and started sobbing. Naruto gave her a sad smile.

''Don't worry, I won't. I promise.'' He answered.

18-12-2019 - Hey sweeties! So I decided to reupload this book since I felt bad for taking them down since people love them. I will however, keep Jinchuriki Clan down for I won't finish it.

I left only the ft and this one on, furthermore I'll be changing my account to a BTS fanfiction one!


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