Ch. Four

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The week went by quickly and monotonously. Though I'm sure people were talking about me behind my back about what happened with Amber, nobody confronted me about it. I noticed the stares and whispers, but they didn't bother me much.

Friday came in a breeze and it was game day, the team's last game, and it was really important to Luke, so I was going.

Through the week, Adam and I would talk, turns out he was in my AP calc class and his sister, Ariana was in my English class. She was really funny and we got along pretty well. She seemed to be quiet at school, though. Kept to herself a lot, I noticed, but when I got her talking, she's really fun to be around.

I took my seat in the back of the AP calc room, the last period of the day, and jumped when Adam took his seat on my desk.

"What are you doing?" I shrieked. "You're going to get in trouble."

He laughed. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"What do you want?" I was nervous about the teacher yelling at him for being over here, and sitting on the desk.

"Are you going to the game tonight?" He asked quickly.

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

He shrugged, trying to play it cool like it didn't really matter if I was there or not. "Most of my friends are on the football team, so I don't have anybody to go with."

"I'm going with Ariana," I informed him.

"So I'll sit with you then. Geesh, stop begging." He smiled at me and walked across the room to his desk before I could reply.

I smiled back at him as the teacher entered and class began. When he set us off to work in the workbook, I finished in mere minutes and it took everybody else the rest of the hour to finish. I noticed Adam making his way up to the front desk, and if I didn't have improved hearing, I probably wouldn't have been able to hear the conversation.

"Mr. Hanson, I just don't get it," He groaned, sounding very frustrated.

"Which part?" The teacher asked, looking at the workbook that Adam handed him.

"Any of it. I don't understand it at all. Why the hell am I in AP?"

"You can do it, you just need some help. You're smart, but this is a challenge. This course is meant to be challenging. Have you thought about getting a tutor?"

"Well, I uh- I.... sure." He stammered, seemingly surprised that the teacher even brought up the idea.

"Good choice. Let's see, the top of the class right now, that would be Emma."

I looked over to the girl that I knew as Emma, one of Amber's friends. She was very beautiful, but I was sure that she wasn't a great person. I didn't think that any good person could be friends with Amber.

"Emma, could you come-"

Something churned inside of me. Something that I could only describe as... as... as jealousy. "I'll do it." I said quickly, jumping to my feet. My face turned beat red as everybody in the classroom stared at me. What the hell was I doing? "Uh, I- I can do it." I said, a lot quieter now that I had already gotten everybody's attention.

Adam smirked, apparently able to tell why I was so quick to offer, as I rushed over to the desk.

"Miss. Wilson, you're offering to tutor Adam?" The teacher asked.

I nodded slowly. "Yeah, sure."

"Great, that's very kind of you. You two can figure something out together," Mr. Hanson suggested.

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