Ch. Forty- Six [Epilogue]

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Little Miss Perfect- Epilogue

"Now, I present to you the class of 2012!" The announcer announced.

I stood up and cheered on all of my friends and ex- classmates as a blur of blue and white graduation gowns stood up, throwing their caps to the ceiling. I stood next to my mother in the audience and clapped, searching for any three of the people that I wanted to see.

When the ceremony was over, everybody dispersed into the hallway to see their graduates, so that's exactly what we did. We got into the meeting room where the graduates were waiting for their loved ones and the first person I saw was Jack.

I smiled and ran up to him, leaping into his arms and wrapping my legs around his waist. "I'm so proud of you!" I squealed, putting my lips on his.

He grinned and grabbed his cap off of his head, putting it on my head of golden hair. "Here, you wear it."

I chuckled. "Okay dokie."

He smiled before putting his lips on mine again. 

"Hey, love birds." I heard Luke's voice behind me. I dropped off of Jack just to turn around and practically attack my brother who was standing hand in hand with Ariana with Adam on the other side of him with his girlfriend (Yes, you heard correctly. Adam's girlfriend). Her name is Harley, she's really nice. I'm so happy that he finally found somebody that he's truely happy with. And he obviously makes her happy too. 

"You graduated!" I squealed.

"Are you surprised?" He asked in mock hurt.

I rolled my eyes. "Of course not, stupid."

He chuckled and kissed my cheek. "Well if you didn't always do my homework for me, where would I be today?"

"Shut up, I did your homework like, once. Maybe twice."

I didn't wait for him to respond before falling into Ariana's hug as we bounced up and down in excitement.

"I'm so happy!" Ariana squealed.

"You should be! You just graduated!" I squealed back. "Congratulations!"

She hugged me tightly. "Goodness, I'm going to miss you so much."

I sighed. "I'll miss you too. But we still have this summer."

She sighed. "You're right."

You see, when it came down to colleges, Ariana and Luke could choose from all of the best and they knew they wanted to go somewhere together, which is adorable. Unfortunately for me, they chose New York University. Not a bad school, but far away from Kentucky. I've never been farthur away from Luke. Ever,

Adam, however, decided to fall in love with Harley and they decided to take a year off and travel the world for a year before going off to college. Gosh, they are so cute!

Jack? You might be wondering about him, too. Well, Jack decided to go to Ohio State University for their football. Yeah, Ohio. We decided that after this summer, it's best for both of us if we just break up. And it's true. I can't do long distance, especially with him in college and football with all of the fans and cheerleaders. It would drive me crazy. It was the hardest decision of my life, but it's for the best.

Holy crap, I'm totally kidding! Fool ya? Jack did decide to go to OSU and try to be part of the football team, but I'm going with him, silly. I'll be in the stands, front row, cheering him on. I'm not going to be a student there, of course, but we're getting an apartment right outside of campus where most students live. 

And the day after tomorrow, all six of us, me, Ariana, Luke, Jack, Adam and Harley, are going to spend the summer in Australia. Kind of as a last 'Hoora' if you will. Why Australia? Well, it turns out that Jack's grandparents retired to Australia, and they're super duper rich. So they have a huge mansion and they just jumped at the opportunity to spend the summer with their grandson and his friends.

Who else am I missing? Oh, yeah. The phsyco club. Well, my father, Harris, Amber, and Allison pleaded innocent on their long lists of charges but they were all found guilty. My dad and Harris got thirty years each in jail, since I guess that they did some pretty bad stuff besides kidnapping and beating me to a pulp. However, Amber and Allison only got ten years. They also had bad records, just not as bad. Brooke pleaded innocent and got a few months in jail plus probation and community service.

Um, Alec? He's doing great. He's talking. Yes, talking! To, like, everybody. You can barely even tell that he has aspergers. Adam's parents had finally come home and retired from their childish adventures and decided to actually become parents again so that Adam and Ariana can actually live their lives now. 

Jack's parents had finally started the divorce process. Natalie stays with their mom for most of the time and honestly, she's much happier now. And so is Jack.

In fact, I think that everybody is finally happy. No drama. No tears or frowns. Everybody is just happy about where they are in life and where they're going.


Before I get emotional... Which cover to you like the best? They're in the picture over ther -->

Okay, now for the emotional stuff...


Okay, so here goes my "I'm finally finished!" Speech.

"Clears Throat"

I'm so surprised at how successful this story has been. When I saw that it was #285 in Teen Fiction, I thought I was going to die. No, that's not that good. But for me, that's awesome. 710 votes and 211 comments is completely insane!  When I first started writing this, I was just like "Oh, this is just a weird idea. Let's see how it works out." And BAM! It seems like forever ago when I started publishing this. But it's only been, what? A few months maybe? Goodness gracious, I'm so happy! But sad, too. I'm sure if you're a writer, you know that amazing feeling when you check mark the box 'completed' after you finish a story. It's bitter sweet, but I'm so glad that everybody liked it so much and commented so much. 

Thank you, every single person, for reading and voting and commenting and fanning and messaging and IMing and everything else that you lovely people did. I had an amazing time writing this and talking to all of the new people. I seriously have made friends because of this book and I am so grateful. 

Again, thank you so much. I love you guys! 

Aaaaandddddd...... Goodbye. :*)

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