Goodbye </3

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Updated- 8/22/2020

I know I waited way too long to make this decision, and I'm sorry to everyone who was waiting for the sequel, but I'm not going to make the sequel. I just don't think it'd turn out well. And well, there's a bunch of reasons that I can't make the sequel.

I really did enjoy writing this story and I thank every body for reading, voting and commenting. I really appreciate it, so much! And the amazing comments were so amazing to read, I loved hearing about all of your opinions.

And I also thank you all for dealing with the spelling errors and such. I wrote this before I started using Word, so it was pretty messy. And I love you all for not letting that stop you from reading.

So, that's it for now. I'm really sorry to those of you who were looking forward to the sequel and again, I'm sorry it took me so long to make this decision. 

Goodbye for now <3

~ Writerbug

P.S. Since there's not a sequel, I have another offering! I just finished posting a new story and I'm so so so excited about it. I worked so hard on this story, read it five times, used three wonderful editors, and I'm so excited to share it with you! It's called Letters to Audrine, and I would be forever grateful for feedback!

 I worked so hard on this story, read it five times, used three wonderful editors, and I'm so excited to share it with you! It's called Letters to Audrine, and I would be forever grateful for feedback!

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