Ch. Twenty- Eight

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The ride to the airport was silent, everyone was insanely tired since it was only four in the morning. I was still extremely annoyed at Luke and Jack for hiding whatever this "Huge secret" and I couldn't figure out what it was. I was also extremely annoyed at Adam for being such a stupid jerk... he was never like this when we dated.

"We're here." Luke said, waking up everyone in the taxi. 

We all jolted up from our seats then slowly filed out while Luke paid the taxi driver and we rolled our suitcases into the airport. Everybody was quiet until we went through secruity and were seated in the terminal. We still had an hour until we were supposed to board the plane.

"Do you want Starbucks?" Jack asked, sitting next to me in the weird airplane seats. 

"I'm not talking to you." I said with a pout like a little girl. 

He chuckled. "And why not?"

"Because you're being mean."

"What'd I do?"

"She's still upset that we won't tell her what happened." Luke said on the other side of me.

"I'm not talking to you either." I said, laying my head on my knees.

"You're being a baby, Linds." Luke said with a chuckle.

"No I'm not."

"Okay, so who are you talking to?" Adam asked, sitting on the other side of Jack.

"Not you." I snapped, standing up and sitting next to Ariana and Allison. 

Luke followed me with a smirk on his face. "Well do you want your plane ticket?" He asked, holding out my ticket.

I snapped it from his hands and looked at it, seat B- 35. "Thanks." I muttered.

"Wait, you're 35? Bummer, I'm 39." Ariana said.

"Yeah, and I'm 38." Allison chimed.

I looked up at Luke. "So who am I sitting next to?"

"Oh, can't tell you. You're not talking to me." He said, keeping his smirk as he turned and walked back to the guys.

I got up and marched over to them, snatching Jack and Adam's tickets from their hands, ignoring their protests. I looked at their numbers... 34 and 36.

I dropped their tickets to the ground and glared at Luke. "You did that on purpose, didn't you?"

He grinned innocently. "Maybe. It'll be fun, though. The plane isn't that long, I think you'll survive."

"I am starting to hate the whole male population." I muttered, turning around and going into the Starbucks that was across the hallway from our seats. I ordered a hot chocolate and some weird donut thing before going back to everybody and sat between Ally and Ariana.

"This trip was the longest seven days of my life." I muttered tiredly.

"What do you mean?" Ariana asked.

"I mean I came in a stupid girl falling madly in love, hating the tri- whores, not paying much attention to Jack and incredibly happy. I'm going out a broken hearted mess, hating two of the tri- whores even more, but friends with the other, Jack is just... I don't know what he is, and I am no where near happy." I ranted.

"Hey, I went through a break up, too." Allison chimed.

I chuckled. "At least I'm not alone."

"Now boarding flight to Louisville, Kentucky." The voice radiated through the tired airport.

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