Ch. Thirteen

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Ariana's POV

I sighed at my boring life. Look at me, studying on a Saturday night when most people my age were at a party getting drunk off of their asses right now. Including my brother. I laughed to myself at the thought of him drinking. Last time he came home drunk, Ayden was home and had a real nice time messing with him. It was halarious when Adam believed that his foot was a hand, so he started high fiving his foot. And who went with Adam to this party? Lindsay.

Again, I laughed to myself at the thought of Lindsay even at a party, especially when she complained nonstop about going to me via text all day today. It was exhausting, but I would do the same thing if my brother was making me go to one of their stupid jock parties.

And then there's Luke. He went to the party too. When I smiled this time, it wasn't because of a funny thought, it was the butterflies in my stomach at the thought of him. God, he's perfect. His tan, his smile, his dark, soft hair that I'd pay money to run my fingers through. BIG money. He's nice too, not like other guys at our school. He's nice and protective and understanding. When Lindsay called out my crush in front of him, oh my gosh, I thought I was going to die on the spot. Right there. On the bleachers. In gym class. In front of the whole class, just drop dead.

But what she said couldn't be true. He can't like me back. He is way to popular to like a quiet girl like me. I shouldn't get my hopes up so far for them to crash and burn.

I walked over to my window when I heard voices outside and below me since I was on the second floor. It was Adam, Jack, Lindsay, and oh god, Luke. My heart fluttered and I didn't bother to stifle my giggle as I watched them cross the street towards Luke and Lindsay's house.

I noticed that Lindsay didn't look particularly happy, which wasn't surprising since she'd just endured a party. And rumor around is that it was at Amber's house. Yikes. That girl scares me to no end.

I wanted to text Lindsay to see what happened but I didn't want to deal with her wrath. Does that make me a bad friend? I mean, not really. If she really wanted to tell me about it, she'd text me first or something.

Once the door closed on Lindsay's front door, I sighed and made my way back to my bed and put my nose back into my physics book.


I jerked my head up from the text book when I heard something faint echo through the room. Eh, must of been my imagination. I returned my attention back to my book.


Okay, so it wasn't my imagination. I looked back up and looked around my room for something that could be making that sound. I couldn't find anything or any movement in my room. The only thing I could do was ignore the weird sound and hope that it goes away, so that's what I did. Until...


I jerked my head towards the window. It must be a branch or something hitting the side of the house. Well, I couldn't study with that sound so I let out a tired sigh and closed my physics book after bookmarking where I stopped reading and walked over to my window to shut it. I grabbed the edges of the curtains and wiped them open and put my hands on the window sill to slam it shut.


I let out a loud shriek and jumped back away from the window as it looked like something hit the window right in front of my face. It couldn't have been a suicidal bug, it wouldn't have sounded like that. Completely confused and curious, I slowly stepped back towards the window and felt a rush of so many emotions at once as I saw Luke standing below my window with a hand ful of rocks in his hand, looking up at me.

I opened my window some more and poked my head out, just to make sure my eyes weren't tricking me. Nope. The insanely perfect, gorgeous, amazing Luke Wilson was standing right in front of my house, looking up at me.

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