Chapter 8

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"I would say you're absolutely insane!" Elizabeth replied "Why would they keep us to die here if there was a cure all along... why would they take our loved ones..?"

"I don't know for sure, but I've seen some pretty peculiar things. I need to check it out at night, but the guard took my bobby pin away... which is where you come in"

She hesitantly agreed, sliding the bobby pin over in between cells. "Thank you so much! I hope you won't regret it"

"So do I"

At around midnight, Aurora picked the lock and slipped out the cell door, James close behind her. 

"Please don't get caught again" he said

"Yeah I won't". He looked doubtful, but they parted ways.

Aurora went around to a door next to the doctor's office and the closet she found the syringes in. The door was locked, but luckily it was one that was able to be picked by a bobby pin. It took a while of jiggling it around in the door, but it finally clicked and she slowly turned the knob as the door pushed in. She flipped on a switch and saw jars of white liquid, with tiny black specks in them. It almost looked like liquid sand. She grabbed one and on the back it had a label that said "Nameless Cure". A word that hit her hard. Part of her was glad that she had found it, some of her was in disbelief, and the rest in anger. She quickly put it back and switched off the light.

She walked swiftly around to where James and she were supposed to meet. Aurora saw the flick of a light and her heart stopped cold.

Another security guard.

"Hello?" he bellowed, his large footsteps growing closer by the second. Aurora hid behind a cart up against a wall. He walked around to the hallway she was in and flashed the light at the cart. She closed her eyes tightly and held her breath.

I can't get caught again, he'll kill me! Literally, kill me. 

But as she kept her eyes closed, she heard him mutter some curses under his breath. She opened them and saw that the batteries in his flashlight went out. 

As he left to go get batteries, a sigh of relief escaped her lips. She quickly ran out from behind the cart and grabbed James by the arm.

"C'mon we gotta go!" Aurora said, practically dragging him back to their cell. They shut the door and she sat down, breathing heavily.

"Did you find anything?" James asked once he had caught his breath.

"Yeah... I..". She paused.


"I found the cure".

Later that night, James was staring at Aurora. She caught him a few minutes afterwards. "What?" she asked.

"Nothing..." he paused "You seem a bit down" he admitted.

"I'm just.. thinking" she said quietly, turning away.

"...Are you okay?"

"I dunno... I'm just kind of upset. It's fine though, I'm probably just making a big deal out of nothing. As usual."

"Oh come on, don't be hard on yourself. What is it?"

"It's nothing"

"Aurora, what is it"

"Nothing! I'm fine"

"Ugh you always do this! You're so emotionally closed off that I can barely get a read on you! I want to help you, I want to make you feel better. I can't do any of that if you won't let me. You never tell me what's going on and, honestly, when I can't help you I know that I'm a bad friend. Ple-"

"They didn't cure my mother!" Aurora blurted out, followed by a long awkward silence. "They could've cured my mother and they didn't. She never came home...". A single tear escaped her eye, but she turned away so James couldn't see it. Even though she did so, he turned her around.

Once she was facing him, he wiped the tear off of her cheek and she looked down and closed her eyes. "I'm sorry Aurora... I shouldn't of forced it out of you". In a moment of weakness, she rested her head on his shoulder and he hugged her close. "We'll find a way to get us both out of here, I promise".

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